[list.ietf-nntp] new idea

brian@ucsd.edu (Brian Kantor) (05/01/91)

I suggest that rather than all the option negotiation that I'd originally
proposed for the news transfer stuff in the revised NNTP spec, that instead
we have some new commands that a client can send a server.

+ a command to find out how big a batch the server can accomodate at
any particular time
	> 2xx 65535 is my maximum batchsize

+ a command to ship a bunch of article IDs and let the server select only
those that it wants to receive
	> 3xx ship me a bunch of message ids
	< ---
	< ---   (a list of article IDs the client can offer to the server
	< ---
	< .
	> 3yy of those, I want the following
	> ---
	> ---
	> .

+ a command to actually ship the batch
	> 3xx ship 'em
	< (a bunch of articles in RFC1036 batches)
	< .
	> 2xx got that ok, will post them eventually

Some options would remain, such as selecting image mode for the textual
transfers, and compression.

I think this simplifies things quite a bit, eh?
	- Brian