[comp.std.c++] Borland TD/TPROF Error

feustel@well.sf.ca.us (David Alan Feustel) (08/16/90)

I get the message "Overlay Initialization Error" when I invoke
Borland's TD and TPROF programs. I'm running the programs in the OS/2
version 2.0 Dos box with the EMM and XMS drivers loaded. This message
is not listed in the TD and TPROF error messages section of the
respective manuals. Does anyone know what causes this error?
Phone:	 (work) 219-482-9631; MCI mail: DFEUSTEL
E-mail:	feustel@well.sf.ca.us	{ucbvax,apple,hplabs,pacbell}!well!feustel	
USMAIL: Dave Feustel, 1930 Curdes Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805-2710