[comp.std.c++] Protected base classes

mneerach@c.inf.ethz.ch (Matthias Ulrich Neeracher) (08/30/90)

Recently, I tried to use a protected base class, like this:

class A {

class B:protected A {

To my surprise, my compiler (based on CFront 2.0) refused to compile this.
The ARM doesn't seem to be clear about this: The syntax seems to allow it,
but the text and examples don't mention it.

My question is: If protected base classes are indeed illegal, why are they
and what speaks against adding them to C++ ?

I hope this question is not inappropriate for this newsgroup.


Matthias Neeracher                                   mneerach@inf.ethz.ch
  "I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, 
   but they've always worked for me" -- Hunter S. Thompson

bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (08/31/90)

The summaries say it all.

hansen@pegasus.ATT.COM (Tony L. Hansen) (09/01/90)

< Recently, I tried to use a protected base class, like this:
< class A { ... };
< class B: protected A { ... };
< To my surprise, my compiler (based on CFront 2.0) refused to compile this.
< The ARM doesn't seem to be clear about this: The syntax seems to allow it,
< but the text and examples don't mention it.
< My question is: If protected base classes are indeed illegal, why are they
< and what speaks against adding them to C++ ?

The introduction of protected base classes occurred this year as part of the
1990 C++ definition. The AT&T 2.1 C++ Reference Manual, and subsequently The
Annotated C++ Reference Manual (E&S), documents its introduction.

However, NO compiler currently implements protected base classes, not even
AT&T's 2.1. Also, the exact semantics have NOT been cast in stone, although
it's unlikely that they will differ much from the following description:

The visibility of the members of a base class are "capped" at the level of
the access specifier given for the base class. For the following example:

	class base
	public:   int bpublic;
	private:  int bprivate;
	protected:int bprotected;

	class derived :		class derived :		class derived :
	    public base		    protected base	    private base
	{			{			{
	    ...			    ...			    ...
	};			};			};

the visibility of the different base members are adjusted as follows for the
various members of base using the different access specifications:

  access spec:	public		    protected		private
  bpublic:	public		    protected		private
  bprotected:	protected	    protected		private
  bprivate:	not accessible	    not accessible	not accessible

I hope this helps.

< I hope this question is not inappropriate for this newsgroup.

I'd say it's perfectly appropriate for this newsgroup.

					Tony Hansen
				att!pegasus!hansen, attmail!tony

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (09/05/90)

In article <5026@neptune.inf.ethz.ch> mneerach@c.inf.ethz.ch (Matthias Ulrich Neeracher) writes:
>class B:protected A {
>   ...
>To my surprise, my compiler (based on CFront 2.0) refused to compile this.
>The ARM doesn't seem to be clear about this: The syntax seems to allow it,
>but the text and examples don't mention it.

Existing compilers are not reliable indicators of the fine-grained details
of the standardization effort.  E&S is.  Compilers claiming "2.1" 
compatibility may be pretty close to E&S.

>My question is: If protected base classes are indeed illegal, why are they
>and what speaks against adding them to C++ ?

My understanding is that protected base classes will be allowed.  
Unfortunately, I cannot find the appropriate reference in E&S.
[Though I'm sure I read it somewhere....]