[comp.std.c++] Thanks for the help...

harrison@necssd.NEC.COM (Mark Harrison) (02/23/91)

I would like to thank the people kind enough to reply to my
query concerning default copy constructors.  I didn't receive
any mail asking for the answers I received, so I won't bother
to repeat the question here.  The answers I received were
uniformly excellent, and pointed out exactly where I needed
to look to see chapter and verse about default copy constructors.

Thanks to:
	theory.tn.cornell.edu!lijewski	(Mike Lijewski)
	pegasus.att.com!hansen		(Tony L Hansen)
	dux.csc.ti.com!bmk		(Brian M Kennedy)
	proto!joe			(Joe Huffman)
	cs.sfu.ca!miron			(Miron Cuperman)
	emx.utexas.edu!jamshid		(Jamshid Afshar)
	math.ucla.edu!rodney		(Rodney Sinclair)
Mark Harrison             harrison@necssd.NEC.COM
(214)518-5050             {necntc, cs.utexas.edu}!necssd!harrison
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