[comp.std.c++] overloading templates

cok@islsun.Kodak.COM (David Cok) (04/04/91)

Will someone privy to the ANSI discussions on templates answer this for me?:

Is it expected that class template definitions will be able to be overloaded
or have default arguments?  The ARM does not discuss this except to say that
"There must be exactly one definition for each template of a given name in a
program", which leads me to think the answer to my question is no.  However,
a template is basically a function which returns a class or a function (it
just has to be evaluated at compile-time), so one might think that it could
be overloaded like ordinary functions.

For example:
	template<class T> class Vector ...
			// defines a template for a Vector of T of arbitrary
			// and variable size
	template<class T, int size> class Vector ...
			// defines a template for a Vector of T of fixed size
			// some checks on sizes of vectors could be done at
			// compile-time

	Vector<int> a,b;
	Vector<int,10> c,d;
	Vector<int,20> e,f;

	a+=b; // runtime check that sizes of vectors are the same
	c+=d; // ok, sizes match at compile-time
	c+=e; // compile-time type error -- no operation defined to add a
		// Vector<int,10> to a Vector<int,20>

Another example:

	template<class T,int size=100> class Stack ...
		// defines a Stack implemented on top of a fixed size array
		// with default size of 100

	Stack<int> a; // Stack of ints with size of 100
	Stack<int,200> b; // Stack of ints with size of 200

David R. Cok
Eastman Kodak Company -- Imaging Science Laboratory

mjv@objects.mv.com (Michael J. Vilot) (04/10/91)

>Message-ID: <1991Apr4.114557.17897@kodak.kodak.com>
>Sender: cok@Kodak.COM
>Is it expected that class template definitions will be able to be 
>or have default arguments?

The Annotated Reference Manual, p. 342:  the grammar for 
_template-argument_ includes _argument-declaration_,  which has at 
least one production allowing default arguments.

p. 343:
"A class template name must be unique in a program and may not be 
declared to refer to any other template, class, function, object, 
bvalue, or type in the same scope."

p. 345:
"A template function may be overloaded either by (other) functions of 
its name or by (other) template functions of that same name."

Hope this helps,
