[comp.std.c++] What is int &const r;

ngo@tammy.harvard.edu (Tom Ngo) (04/18/91)

I wrote:

>Here's an interesting C++ statement.  What does it mean?
>    int &const r;
>Hopefully your answer is that it is illegal and/or meaningless.  If

Harald Fuchs replied:

Fuchs> A reference is always constant, so "int&const r" is just a more
Fuchs> verbose alternative to "int& r". Why bother with explicitly
Fuchs> disallowing redundancies?

OK, I can accept that.  But what is "int &volatile r"?

  Tom Ngo
  617/495-1768 lab number, leave message

mikeb@inset.UUCP (Mike Banahan) (04/23/91)

... what is "int & volatile .. " ...

A good question to ask! A volatile reference to (exactly what doesn't matter)
- if we were talking about C, and using a pointer, then it would mean that
the value of the pointer was subject to unpredictable external change
which cannot be discovered by simply reading the program; this is intended
to allow for interrupts and concurrency to be implemented.

Since a reference is not modifiable by the program (it's const), the utility
of having a volatile one is severely questionable, but undoubtedly capable
of implementation. One could imagine a globally-visible reference which
is somehow updated by an interrupt routine to refer to various different
objects at run-time. This makes me want to throw up, but that's what it
mean by analogy with pointer types. If one of my guys did that with a reference,
I daren't put in writing what I would want to do with him/her.

Mike Banahan
Mike Banahan, Founder Director, The Instruction Set Ltd.