When I visited the States about a month ago there was considerable interest in what is happening on the "eastern front". On our PORTA- COM conferencing system more feedback is trickling in. I know this in not biology but I think that it is an important development in international networking so it deserves a mention. =================== FEEDBACK ================================== > ( 80781 ) 90-07-05 08:29 Robert Harper >Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{ /received/ >Subject: Earn and the Eastern block. ------------------------------------ Here is an interesting note about developments on the Eastern front. ===================== EXTRACT ============================= You can subscribe to plearn-l by mailing the following message to listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu sub plearn-l Robert Harper Poland should be getting its first bitnet-style link to EARN (via denmark) in August or September. EARN voted approval on or about April 10 following a change in US Commerce Dept. policy. The first link will be from Denmark to Warsaw. Regards, -dave phill plearn-l owner ******** ( 80927 ) 90-07-05 22:47 Tom Sundius >Comment to: ( 80781 ) by Robert Harper >Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{ /received/ >Subject: Earn and the Eastern block. ------------------------------------ Another piece of information: It is already possible to reach Hungary (more precisely: The Hunga- rian Academy of Sciences) by e-mail. The link is via uucp, and the mailer is called ella.uucp. So if you have a research colleague in Hungary, you can ask him to try to get a mail account (the connec- tion works excellently between Finland and Hungary). -TS- ******* ( 80994 ) 90-07-06 10:55 Sari A. Kajantie >Comment to: ( 80927 ) by Tom Sundius >Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{ /received/ >Subject: Earn and the Eastern block. ------------------------------------ Yeah, and in the latest issue of the /csc/news Markus Sadeniemi ga- ve a good picture of the present situation in the former eastern block -though only on somewhat general level. ******* ( 81081 ) 90-07-06 23:36 Teuvo Leinonen >Comment to: ( 80927 ) by Tom Sundius >Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{ /received/ >Subject: Earn and the Eastern block. ------------------------------------ Here is the Poland and Checkoslovakian EARN nodes. $ earn cs l CSPRKU11 ( ) CS , Karlova University, CS $ earn pl l PLEARN ( ) PL , Warsaw University, Poland ******* ( 81109 ) 90-07-07 11:09 Petri Ojala Comment to: ( 80927 ) by Tom Sundius Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{ /received/ Subject: Earn and the Eastern block. ------------------------------------ Hungary has also two other uucp nodes, sztaki.uucp (also called hungary.eu.net) which is in the same place as ella.uucp (Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), and elte- .uucp at Budapest University. postmaster@hungary.eu.net should work. The link to Hungary goes from France and Austria. PS. Institute of Cybernetics at Estonian Academy of Sciences is al- so going to join the net real-soon-now, address is ioc.uucp. Petri =================== END ====================