[bionet.users.addresses] The Eastern Front


   When I visited the States about a month ago there was  considerable
   interest in what is happening on the "eastern front". On our PORTA-
   COM conferencing  system more feedback is trickling in. I know this
   in not biology but I think that it is an important  development  in
   international networking so it deserves a mention.

=================== FEEDBACK ==================================
> ( 80781 ) 90-07-05  08:29 Robert Harper
>Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{ /received/
>Subject: Earn and the Eastern block.
Here is an interesting note about developments on the Eastern front.

===================== EXTRACT =============================
You can subscribe to plearn-l by mailing the following message
to listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu

  sub plearn-l Robert Harper

Poland should be getting its first bitnet-style link to EARN (via
denmark) in August or September.  EARN voted approval on or about
April 10 following a change in US Commerce Dept. policy.

The first link will be from Denmark to Warsaw.

-dave phill plearn-l owner

******** ( 80927 ) 90-07-05  22:47 Tom Sundius
>Comment to:  ( 80781 ) by Robert Harper
>Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{ /received/
>Subject: Earn and the Eastern block.

Another piece of information:

   It is already possible to reach Hungary (more precisely: The Hunga-
   rian Academy  of Sciences) by e-mail. The link is via uucp, and the
   mailer is called ella.uucp. So if you have a research colleague  in
   Hungary, you  can ask him to try to get a mail account (the connec-
   tion works excellently between Finland and Hungary).


 *******  ( 80994 ) 90-07-06  10:55 Sari A. Kajantie
>Comment to:  ( 80927 ) by Tom Sundius
>Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{  /received/
>Subject: Earn and the Eastern block.

   Yeah, and in the latest issue of the /csc/news Markus Sadeniemi ga-
   ve a good picture of the present situation in  the  former  eastern
   block -though only on somewhat general level.

*******   ( 81081 ) 90-07-06  23:36 Teuvo Leinonen
>Comment to:  ( 80927 ) by Tom Sundius
>Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{  /received/
>Subject: Earn and the Eastern block.
Here is the Poland and Checkoslovakian EARN nodes.

$ earn cs l
      CSPRKU11  (  )  CS , Karlova University,  CS
$ earn pl l
      PLEARN    (  )  PL , Warsaw University, Poland

*******    ( 81109 ) 90-07-07  11:09 Petri Ojala
Comment to:  ( 80927 ) by Tom Sundius
Receiver: Kysy: Tietoliikenteest{  /received/
Subject: Earn and the Eastern block.

   Hungary has  also  two  other  uucp nodes, sztaki.uucp (also called
   hungary.eu.net) which is in the same place as  ella.uucp  (Computer
   and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences), and elte-
   .uucp at  Budapest  University.  postmaster@hungary.eu.net   should
   work. The link to Hungary goes from France and Austria.

   PS. Institute of Cybernetics at Estonian Academy of Sciences is al-
   so going  to join the net real-soon-now, address is ioc.uucp. Petri

   =================== END ====================