[bionet.users.addresses] About electronic address in Cuba.


My name is Guillermo Lamuedra and i was wondering if anybody knows
some electronic address in Cuba. If anybody knows some about this,
please contact me at:


  Thank you in advance.

  Guillermo H. Lamuedra

harper@csc.fi (09/26/90)

In article <9009241838.AA04124@genbank.bio.net>, ZEM4%ARGCNEA2@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU writes:
> My name is Guillermo Lamuedra and i was wondering if anybody knows
> some electronic address in Cuba. If anybody knows some about this,
> please contact me at:
>       Zem4@Argcnea2.Bitnet

        We have EARN_NODES on our machine which allows you to
        lookup nodes on BITNET. Since Steve Clark has already         
        answered for INTERNET here are the results for                
        BITNET/EARN. Just to show that it does work for "exotic"
        places like Chile and Brazil... I put it though its
        paces. Four BITNET nodes in Chile and one in Brazil
        but nothing for Cuba. I expect it is sort of classified
        as "eastern block" even though it is in the Gulf of
        Mexico, and this may be the reason there are no BITNET
        connections established.

******************* SESSION ************************
$ earn_nodes

Earn_nodes> chile
      UCHCECVM  (  )  CL , Univ de Chile CEC
      UCHCECVX  (  )  CL , Univ de Chile
      UCHDCI01  (  )  CL , Univ de Chile DESECI
      USACHVM1  (  )  CL , Univ de Santiago de Chile
Earn_nodes> brazil
      RIOSC     (  )  BR , IBM Brazil - Scientific Center -
Earn_nodes> cuba
%SEARCH-I-NOMATCHES, no strings matched
************************ END **************************

Rob "I don't work I network" Harper