[bionet.users.addresses] Michigan nodes, and chatting...

harper@csc.fi (Rob Harper (Supercomputer Centre Finland)) (10/04/90)

In article <14740@mentor.cc.purdue.edu>, xwl@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Mike Helmstadter) writes:
> does anybody know the addresses to eastern michigan university
> thanks... mike helmstadter

These are the BITNET nodes for *Mich* Take your pick!!!!

I see that you are on INTERNET but for those of you on a VAX on BITNET
you could try:


and if they allow interactive queries the NODE "MSU" should return you
the names of the people on line at that particular moment. You could
try and substitute FINFUN for MSU and you will get the names of the
people on the Finnish computer FINFUN. 

If I know a NODE I can usually find out who is on that machine and I
can have a CHAT with them by doing SEND USERID@NODE and ask them
to help me out in getting in contact with someone. I recently had an
interesting CHAT session with Prof. Bruce Roe in the US. 

In the IBM world the equivilent command would be TELL USERID AT NODE.
You can then exchange one line messages over BITNET.


      CMUVM     (  )  US , Central Michigan Univ
      MSU       (  )  US , Mich State Univ. Computer Lab
      MSUEGR    (  )  US , Mich State Univ. Engineering
      MTUS5     (  )  US , Michigan Tech Univ Sys 5
      MTUVAXA   (  )  US , Michigan Tech Univ Ctr for Exper
      UMDSCVM   (  )  US , U Mich Data Sys Ctr VM
      UMDSCXA   (  )  US , U Mich Data Sys Ctr XA
      UMICHIF1  (  )  US , Univ of Michigan Inst Filesystem
      UMICHRLY  (  )  US , Univ of Michigan Comp Ctr Relay
      UMICHRS1  (  )  US , University of Michigan Computing
      UMICHUB   (  )  US , U Mich Comp Ctr.
      UMICHUM   (  )  US , U Mich Comp Ctr.
      UMIPHYS   (  )  US , U Mich HEP

Rob "I may be right, I may be wrong" Harper


I missed the first post, that is, the query, but a number of small
colleges in Michigan have bitnet nodes as well (you can access
bitnet from internet via several gateways; the cuny one probably
gets the heaviest traffic). For example, Albion College has the
imaginative nodename "ALBION". I would guess that if the college
name is eight characters or less, that's a good stab in the dark
for a nodename (e.g. CALVIN, HOPE, ADRIAN). Hope this is at least
sort of on topic.... :-)
Josh Hayes, Zoology Department, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056
voice: 513-529-1679      fax: 513-529-6900
jahayes@miamiu.bitnet, or jahayes@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu
Now look inside; what do you see? That's easy: that's a pickle.