A new list is available for those interested in photosynthesis research. At present there is an international subscription of around 200 scientists. The list address is PHOTOSYN@TAUNIVM. To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@TAUNIVM:- SUBscribe PHOTOSYN your real name
******************************** Photosynthesis Researchers' List ******************************** The Photosynthesis Researchers' List (PHOTOSYN) is a distribution list which has been running on LISTSERV@TAUNIVM.BITNET since August 1990. The list at present consists of some two hundred subscribed members in 19 countries (mostly researchers in photosynthesis-related topics). Members can send mail to PHOTOSYN@TAUNIVM.BITNET for automatic distribution to the entire list. Here are some suggested uses for the list (most of which have been used recently):- - Requests for technical information regarding protocols, materials, equipment, etc., used for photosynthesis-related research. - Advertisement of academic positions and requests for employment (including postdoctoral positions, studentships, etc.) - Distribution of journal contents lists. - Announcement of scientific meetings. - Storage of files which can be retrieved by self-service over the international computer network. The first three types of use have already occurred on PHOTOSYN. Noteworthy is the recent decision of Photosynthesis Research to regularly make available their tables of contents some weeks before publication. Arrangements are being made to distribute lists of photosynthesis-related articles from other journals. The storage of some useful files is also presently being arranged. Subscription to PHOTOSYN is via the normal LISTSERV means i.e. message, file or mail to LISTSERV@TAUNIVM.BITNET. The subscription command is:- SUBscribe PHOTOSYN firstname (initials) surname USAGE OF THE PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCHERS' LIST IS STRICTLY FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES AS REQUIRED BY THE ORGANISATIONS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADMINISTERING THE COMPUTER FACILITIES INVOLVED. THE LIST MAY NOT BE USED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. **************************************** I apologise to BIO-NAUT subscribers for not sending out the above information sooner (I mistakenly thought I had done so some while ago). Please help interested colleagues to subscribe, or have them contact me if they need help. *************************************************************************** : Jonathan B. Marder : : : Department of Agricultural Botany : Bitnet: MARDER@HUJIAGRI : : The Hebrew University of Jerusalem : Internet: MARDER@AGRI.HUJI.AC.IL : : Faculty of Agriculture : Phone: (08 or +9728) 481918 : : P.O. Box 12, Rehovot 76100, ISRAEL : Facsimile: (08 or +9728) 462181 : ***************************************************************************