[bionet.users.addresses] E-mail addresses required

SEQ@dlgm.daresbury.ac.uk (DARESBURY SEQMAIL) (03/14/91)

---- Start of forwarded message.

Via:     UK.AC.UKC;  Wed, 13 Mar 91 14:32 GMT (V40 at UK.AC.DARESBURY.DLGM)
Received:from svax05.pcr.co.uk by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK   via PSS (UKC CAMEL FTP)
         id aa19450; 13 Mar 91 14:18 GMT
Date:    Thu, 14 Mar 91 10:25 GMT
From:    PARSONS_A@uk.co.pcr.svax05
To:      BIOSCI <BIOSCI%uk.ac.daresbury@uk.ac.ukc>
Subject: E-mail addresses required

Hi Netters,

Apparently it was the distribution to me that caused a foul-up which sent the
UK LISTERVer loopy some weeks back and precipitated Rob Harpers resignation.

Many apologies for this but our network entry in the NRS database tables at
the UKNet backbone machine became corrupted.  This was then propagated to other
network hubs so we became (through no fault of ours) persona non grata as far
as the UKNet was concerned...its a long story I wont bore you with.

I would appreciate it if anyone out there has an e-mail address for any of the

Stuart C. Loken   \
A. Shoshani	  |-> Information and Computing Sciences Division,
F. Olkem	  |-> Lawrence Berkely Lab, Berkeley, California.USA
V. Markowitz	  /

Many thanks.

| Dr.Tony Parsons,			VOX   : + (304) 616871	             |
| IT Department,			FAX   : + (304) 616670               |
| Pfizer Central Research,				 		     |
| Ramsgate Road,  +----------------------   e-mail   ------------------------+
| Sandwich,       |JANET      : parsons_a@uk.co.pcr.svax05                   |
| KENT	          |elsewhere  : parsons_a@svax05.pcr.co.uk		     |
| CT13 9NJ        | _or_      : parsons_a%uk.co.pcr.svax05@ukc.ac.uk         |
| UK	          |							     |

---- End of forwarded message.

kristoff@genbank.bio.net (David Kristofferson) (03/15/91)

Frank Olken's address is olken@lbl.gov.  I don't know about the others
but would hazard a guess that lastname@lbl.gov would work 8-).  I'm
sure Frank could get you that information.


				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank Manager
