[mail.uk-sendmail-workers] Concept error Sendmail 2.1?

andrew@stl.stc.co.uk (Andrew Macpherson) (03/13/89)

I have been building an almost purely IDA sendmail with 2.1
when I came across a nasty.

The c-nrs processor produces an application relay table for
one as janet.chn, however that table does not recursively resolve
ARs, so a resolution in the chanel table cannot be considered

For instance:
uk.co.ist.upper ->	uk.co.ist
uk.co.ist     ->	uk.ac.ic.doc

Now it *may* be that ni_send resolves this, but that seems an unwaranted
assumption, alternatively am I missing something?

jac@doc.ic.ac.uk (Jim Crammond) (03/15/89)

No, not a concept error; but a design decision!!

Yes, it is assumed that the right hand side points to a site that
ni_send will know about.  Ni_send should resolve this since each
entry in the nrs tables has a dte address associated with it
(The ARs are resolved when the table is produced, so this is static data).

If you want to ensure that the RHS of the janet.chn is not itself an AR
then it seems to me that c-nrs should do it. I see no benefit of getting
sendmail to dynamically resolve ARs when the data is static.
