[mail.uk-sendmail-workers] More help please

tjh@cel.uucp (tim howard) (10/06/89)

		Testing of UK2.1 Sendmail

More help please

I have amended my configuration files, hopefully in compliance with suggestions
from "uk-sendmail-workers", and tried installing the resulting "sendmail.cf"
files ( I did not use "make install" ) on 3 of our machines ( sun5, server1 and
server2 or cel, all running SunOS 3.5 ).  Unfortunately, mail to root did not
work properly.  I realise it might have been better to test using a "normal"

Here is a record of an attempt to send mail :-


Script started on Thu Oct  5 13:46:59 1989
sun5% Mail -v root
Subject: mail failure

this test is expected to fail with
|>> RCPT To:<root@uucp.cel.server1.cel.uucp>
554 ... Local Domain Unknown