[mail.uk-sendmail-workers] top level domain conflict with local host

jac@doc.ic.ac.uk (Jim Crammond) (02/05/90)

Have you considered changing the name ex.ca to something else? I think
this would be easier than getting Canada to change its name :-)

More constructively (perhaps)...

Include ca in your top.dom and then in a local domain table add
aliases to convert big-endian addresses ending in "ca" into
little-endian addresses ending in "uk":

	uk.ac.ex.ca	ca.ex.ac.uk
	ex.ca		ca.ex.ac.uk
	xxx.uk.ac.ex.ca	xxx.ca.ex.ac.uk
	xxx.ex.ca	xxx.ca.ex.ac.uk

A "cheat" to map all xxx's in just two rules is as follows:

	@uk.ac.ex.ca.$- @$2.ca.ex.ac.uk
	@ex.ca.$-       @$2.ca.ex.ac.uk
