[mail.uk-sendmail-workers] sendmail-5.64+IDA-1.3.1.tar.Z available in the UK.

news@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Network News) (06/27/90)

Until it is available at brunel, cam.cl has a copy of

Software:       sendmail-ida
Description:    UK distribution of Sendmail with IDA enhancements
Versions:       5.61 and 5.64 IDA
Format:         compressed-tar
Size:           compressed-tar=609K
Ftam:           host=bru-me, login=anon, file=sendmail.5.61.IDA.tar.Z
		host=gannet login=anon file=niftp/sendmail-5.64+IDA-1.3.1.tar.Z
Niftp:          <FTP>sendmail.5.61.IDA.tar.Z from uk.ac.brunel.me (BINARY)
		<FTP>sendmail-5.64+IDA-1.3.1.tar.Z from uk.ac.cam.cl.nfs
		user guest, password (your email address)
Mail:           Too big
Contact:        Andrew Findlay <Andrew.Findlay@brunel.ac.uk>
Postal:         Andrew Findlay
		M&ES, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH
Telephone:      0895 74000 x2512
Machines:       Almost all Unix boxes that have Bsd-style sockets
Operating-Systems:      BSDish
Availability:   public
Date:           90/06/27