[mail.uk-sendmail-workers] 'no host' problem

I355@VMT.SCP.AC.UK ("Roderick Douglas") (08/31/90)

Dear all,
 Sheffield Poly has been trying to use uk-sendmail to get
a sun to relay SMTP mail from an apollo to JANET.
We're using uk-sendmail to generate the config files for sendmail
on both the apollo and the sun. We've got the sun working on
the Janet channel, but cannot get any traffic between the apollos
and the sun on the TCP channel.
Both sides seem to perform the 'make test' ok, but running sendmail
generates an error:
554 buildaddr: no host
Both sides have each others names in the /etc/hosts file, and telnet
and ftp work happily both ways. Routing is done through an Apollo
fitted with both Ethernet and Apollo token ring cards.
Where are we going wrong?
Also, I cannot work out what the difference is between the
ether channel and the TCP channel. I've got nothing on the ether
channel file, because it seemed more sensible to use the TCP channel
as we are routing between ethernet and token ring.
Was this a sensible choice?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Roderick Douglas                   Telephone: (0742) 533829
Janet Site Representative          Fax      : (0742) 721502
Computer Services Department       JANET E-Mail : I355 @ UK.AC.SCP.VMT
Sheffield City Polytechnic
Pond Street
S1 1WB

jimc@quintus.com (Jim Crammond) (09/01/90)

check the line in ruleset 0 in base.m4 to ensure that the TCP line says

`R<$+>$+.tcp            $#tcp$@$2$:<$1>         internet mail

early copies of the UK-2.1 release went out with a missing '$' in the
critical place.


keith@spider.co.uk (Keith Mitchell) (09/03/90)

My thanks to Jim for mentioning this patch - I too have never been
able to get the `tcp' channel to work, and this explains it.
However, this rule appears to come from the "rules.m4" file rather
than "base.m4".

One other thing I have in common with Roderick Douglas
<I355@vmt.scp.ac,uk> is that the difference between the tcp and
ether mailers has never been clear to me - is it the difference
between using SMTP to deliver mail to within, and outside of, your
local domain ? Maybe someone could clarify for us ?

Keith Mitchell                  (postmaster)

Spider Systems Ltd.             keith@spider.co.uk
Spider Park                     keith@uk.co.spider
Stanwell Street                 keith%spider.co.uk@uk.ac.ed.castle
Edinburgh  EH6 5NG              ...!ukc!edcastle!spider!keith
Phone: 031-554 9424             zspz01@uk.ac.ed.castle
Fax:   031-554 0649