[comp.lsi.cad] CAD Framework Initiative Meeting on FEB 16-17 and CFI info

guy@etg.dec.com (Ed Guy (508)467-5326 DTN:297-5326 / S&IMG-ESG) (02/02/89)

    This posting announces the February 16-17 CFI meeting, lists  the
    technical committee contacts, and contains a copy of the "All About the
    CAD Framework Initiative, INC" pamphlet.

             *CFI To Hold Technical and Annual Business Meetings*

    The first technical subcommittee meetings of the CAD Framework
    Initiative have now been scheduled.  They will take place on February
    17, 1989 at the Tech-Mart with housing at the Doubletree in Santa
    Clara.   The number to call for reservations at the Doubletree is
    (408)986-0700. Ask for the block of rooms reserved for the ``CFI.''

    For those of you attending  the annual CFI business meeting, it  will
    take place on the previous day, February 16 at the same location. The
    tentative agenda for the two meetings is below:

                   Thursday February 16:  Business Meetings

            1:00 General Meeting and Introductions          
            2:00 Election                                  
            2:30 Break                                      
            3:00 Board Meeting                             
                 - Election of new officers                 
                 - Review                                  
                 - Planning next events                     
            5:00 Adjourn                                   
            7:00 Technical Coordinating committee meeting. 

            Friday:  February 17: Technical Subcommittee Meetings

            8:00 Introductions                                   
            8:45 Overview by Technical Chairmen            
            9:30 Subcommittee Breakouts                                 
              - working lunch -                      
            3:00 Wrap up                                   
            4:00 Adjourn                                   

                    *The Technical Subcommittee chairmen*
             Contact one of these people for further information

    Technical Coordinating Committee:  (Business Questions, Too)
                                     Tom Rhyne
                                     3500 W Balcones Center Drive
                                     Austin, TX    78759

    Operating Systems Interface:     Keith Davis
                                     Hewlett-Packard Company
                                     3404 East Harmony Road
                                     Fort Collins, CO 80525-9599

    Design Process Management:       Paul Painter
                                     VLSI CAD Program
                                     3500 W Balcones Center Drive
                                     Austin, TX    78759

    Design Data Management:          Earl Eckland
                                     Mentor Graphics Corporation
                                     8500 Southwest Creekside Place
                                     Beaverton, OR 97005-7191
                                     FAX: (503)626-1204

    Design Representation:           Glen Fullmer
                                     Motorola, Inc
                                     Advanced CAD Tools
                                     2222 S Dobson Road, Building 5
                                     Mesa, AZ  85202

    User Interface:                  Jean Brouwers
                                     EDA Systems, Inc.
                                     3255-5 Scott Blvd.
                                     Santa Clara, CA  95054
                                     FAX: (408)748-1032

    Intertool Communication:         Ed Guy
                                     Digital Equipment Corporation      
                                     4 Results Way MRO4-3/H10           
                                     Marlboro, Massachusetts 01752-9104 
                                     FAX: (508)467-1569 

    Business Related Questions can be directed to:

                                     Pat O Pistelli
                                     MP Associates, Inc.        
                                     7490 Clubhouse Road Suite 102  
                                     Boulder, CO 80301              
                                     FAX: (303)530-4334         

                *All About the CAD Framework Initiative, Inc.*

       - An information pamphlet published by the CAD Framework Initiative 
       Steering Committee.

                    What is the CAD Framework Initiative?

    The CAD Framework Initiative Inc was formed in May 1988. It is a not
    for profit corporation formed under the laws of the state of Delaware. 
    Its charter is to gain consensus from industry users, the academic
    community, and vendors, to develop guidelines for an industry
    acceptable CAD framework implementation.

    A CAD framework is a software infrastructure which provides a common
    operating environment for CAD tools.  Through a framework, a user
    should be able to launch and manage tools, create, organize, and manage
    data, graphically view the entire design process and perform design
    management tasks such as configuration management, version management,
                        How was the Initiative formed?

    The formation of the CAD Framework Initiative (CFI) was spurred by the
    design automation user community.

    Users of today's CAE and CAD tools are satisfied with the performance
    and functionality of their tools.  Today's users have pieced together
    their own environments composed of a mix of hardware and design
    automation tools that best suit their needs, but as a result they have
    injected some new problems- that of managing those tools and the data
    generated by those tools.

    Some typical problems that have manifested as a result of this include:
    - How does an engineer verify that the version of the data is in sync
      with the version of the tool? 
    - How does a new tool get integrated into another vendor's environment?
    - How does an engineer track the derivation of a specific file- is it
      part of the current configuration or a previous one? 
    - How can an engineer be sure that the most current version of the
      libraries are being used?

    These are just some of the problems faced by the engineering community
    as a result of users building their own design environments and some of
    the problems that CFI will address.

                           The CFI and its Mission

    The mission statement of the CFI is: To develop industry acceptable
    guidelines foe design automation frameworks which will enable the
    coexistence and cooperation of a variety of tools.

    The definition of the problem and specification of working interfaces
    is a very complex undertaking.  This group supports a layered approach
    centered around the following areas:
    - Common operating systems interface
    - Design process management
    - Design data management
    - Design representation
    - User interface 
    - Intertool communication

    In addition to providing a technical forum, the CFI will pursue the
    following strategies to achieve this mission:
    - Petition sanctioning bodies where appropriate.
    - Seek world-wide participation in the Initiative.
    - Create a collective voice to influence and incorporate existing,
      relevant standards.
    - Promote framework guidelines and their adoption by member companies.
    - Maintain an open, consensus-based collaboration between all members.

    It is important to note that the efforts of the Initiative will result
    in a specification available to all members.  The CFI does not plan to
    implement versions of the framework products under the auspices of the
    Initiative, nor to endorse proprietary, commercial framework products.

                           How to join the CFI

    The CFI is an open initiative, with its current membership comprised of
    participants from various segments of the design community.

    The CFI is structured as a not for profit corporation, organized under
    the laws of the state of Delaware.  It is governed by a nine member
    Steering Committee that is elected by member companies to serve a one
    year tenure.

    Member companies of the current Steering committee elected in May 1988
    - Cadence Systems
    - Digital Equipment Corporation
    - EDA Systems, Inc.
    - Hewlett Packard Company
    - Honeywell
    - MCC
    - Mentor Graphics Corp.
    - Motorola
    - Valid Logic Systems

    Membership is open to any member of the Design automation community. 
    In order to become a member, simply fill out the form located at the
    back of this pamphlet and you will receive the necessary membership
    application.  The packet will contain information on future meetings,
    committee participation, and a list of steering committee members who
    can directly answer questions about the CFI.

                                Why Join?

    It is clear from the overwhelming positive response of the CAE/CAD user
    community that the CAD Framework Initiative is headed in the right
    direction, and dealing with the issues that are important to you as

    Make sure that you, and your company, don't miss the opportunity to
    participate in the CFI and help steer the future of *your* industry.

             |                                             |
             |                                             |
             |         Yes, I'd like to be a CFI member.   |
             |                                             |
             |                                             |
             |       Clip and mail to:                     |
             |                                             |
             |              CAD Framework Initiative       |
             |              C/O MP Associates, Inc.        |
             |              7490 Clubhouse Road Suite 102  |
             |              Boulder, CO 80301              |
             |              (303)530-4562                  |
             |              FAX: (303)530-4334             |
             |                                             |
             |                                             |
             |       Name:                                 |
             |                                             |
             |       Title:                                |
             |                                             |
             |       Company:                              |
             |                                             |
             |       Address:                              |
             |                                             |
             |       PO Box/MS:                            |
             |                                             |
             |       City:                                 |
             |                                             |
             |       State/Zip:                            |
             |                                             |

    [*** end of All About the CAD Framework Initiative, Inc.]

    [*** End of posting]