[comp.lsi.cad] WORKSHOP LOGIC SYNTHESIS MAY 23-26, 1989

ruthl@mcnc.org (Alice Ruth Lorenzetti) (04/12/89)

                      International Workshop on Logic Synthesis

                     Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
                                   May 23-26, 1989

          Sponsored by the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC)
                                 In Cooperation with

                       ACM Association for Computing Machinery


                                 Preliminary Program

Tuesday Evening, May 23:

4:30-8:30 p.m.           Registration (Holiday Inn)
6:30-9:30 p.m.           Reception and cocktails (Holiday Inn)

Wednesday, May 24:

 7:45-8:30 a.m.          Continental Breakfast (Holiday Inn)

 8:30-8:45 a.m.          Introduction
                         Franc Brglez, Workshop Chairperson, 
                         Bell-Northern Research
                         Matt Kuhn, President, MCNC
 	                 Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, 
                         Technical Program Chairperson,
                         University of California-Berkeley

8:45-10:30 a.m.          Session 1: Multi-level Optimization I
                         Chairperson: Gary Hachtel, University of Colorado

                         1.1  Two Fast Two-Level Minimizers for Multi-Level 
                         Logic Synthesis, H. Savoj, M. Malik, R. Brayton, 
                         University of California-Berkeley

                         1.2  OPAM:  An Efficient Output Phase Assignment for
                         Multilevel Logic Minimization, C-L Wey, S-M Chang, 
                         Michigan State University

                         1.3  Experiments with Global-Flow Analysis, 
                         S . Parkes, R. Saleh, University of Illinois; 
                         R. Rudell, Synopsys, Inc.

10:30-11:00 a.m.         Break

 11:00-12:45 p.m.        Session 2: Introduction of Synthesis Benchmarks
                         Chairperson: Robert Lisanke, MCNC

                         This session will be organized by May 5th.

12:45-1:30 p.m.          Lunch (Holiday Inn)

 1:30-4:00 p.m.          Session 3: Don't Care Conditions in Logic Synthesis
                         Chairperson: Robert Brayton, University of 

                         3.1  On the Relationship Between Area Optimization and
                         Multifault Testability of Multilevel Logic, G. Hachtel,
                         R. Jacoby, C. Morrison, University of Colorado; 
                         K. Keutzer, AT&T Bell Laboratories

                         3.2  The Satisfiability Don't Care Set and Invariant
                         Transformations in Multi-Level Synthesis, P. McGeer,
                         R. Brayton, University of California-Berkeley

                         3.3  On Computing and Approximating the Observability
                         Don't Care Set, G. Hachtel, R. Jacoby, P. Moceyunas,
                         University of Colorado

                         3.4  Boolean Relations, R. Brayton, University of
                         California-Berkeley; F. Somenzi, SGS-Thompson

4:00-5:15 p.m.           Break/Posters
                         Poster presentations will be organized by May 5.

5:15-6:30 p.m.           Session 4: Synthesis Systems
                         Chairperson: Louise Trevillyan, IBM, Corp.

                         4.1  BESTMAP: Behavioral Synthesis From C., J-Y Jou, S.
                         Rothweiler, R. Ernst, S. Sudawala, A. Prahbu, D. Tsao,
                         M. Lega, AT&T Bell Laboratories

                         4.2  A Unified Logic Synthesis System: ZEPHCAD, 
                         H. Sato, Fujitsu, Ltd.

6:30 p.m.                Reception/Dinner (Holiday Inn)

8:45 p.m.                Panel Session 1: Logic Synthesis, Developers 
                         Versus Users Chairperson: Kurt Keutzer, AT&T 
                         Bell Laboratories
                         Panelists to be announced

Thursday, May 25:

7:45-8:45 a.m.           Continental Breakfast (Holiday Inn)

8:45-10:30 a.m.          Session 5: Sequential Logic Synthesis
                         Chairperson: Tsuguo Shimizu, Central Research 

                         5.1  Retiming and Resynthesis: Optimizing 
                         Sequential Networks with Combinational 
                         Techniques, S. Malik, E. Sentovich, R. Brayton, 
                         University of California-Berkeley

                         5.2  Synchronous Logic Synthesis, G. De Micheli, 
                         Stanford University

                         5.3  Restructuring State Machines and State Assignment:
                         Relationship to Minimizing Logic Across Latch 
                         Boundaries, B. Lin, A Newton, University of 

10:30-11:00 a.m.         Break

11:00-12:45 p.m.         Session 6: Control Synthesis
                         Chairperson: Daniel Gajski, University of 

                         6.1  Race-Free Time-Optimised Synthesis of Asynchronous
                         Interface Circuits, P. Vanbekbergen, F. Catthor,
                         H. DeMan, IMEC Lab; J. Van Meerbergen, Philips 
                         Research Labs

                         6.2  A New Embedding Method for State Assignment, 
                         F. Piorot, VLSI Technology; G. Saucier, C. Duff, 
                         Laboratoire CSI/INPG

                         6.3  Finite State Machine Synthesis Using Shadow 
                         States, R. Graham, Silc Technologies

12:45-1:30 p.m.          Lunch (Holiday Inn)

1:30-3:15 p.m.           Session 7: Logic Decomposition
                         Chairperson: N. F. Benschop, Philips Research

                         7.1  Viable Logic Synthesis Tools Using Transform 
                         Methods, D. Varma, E. A. Trachtenberg, Drexel 

                         7.2  Synthesis of Multilevel Networks with 
                         Simple Gates, X. Xiang, S. Muroga, 
                         University of Illinois

                         7.3  Logic Minimization for Factored Forms, A. Malik,
                         R. Brayton, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, University of

3:15-4:45 p.m.           Break/Posters
                         Poster presentations will be organized by May 5.

4:45-6:30 p.m.           Session 8: Multi-Level Optimization II
                         Chairperson: Fabio Somenzi, SGS-Thompson

                         8.1 PLA-Based Synthesis Without PLA's, D. Brand, 
                         IBM Corp.

                         8.2  Technology Mapping for Delay, R. Rudell, 
                         Synopsys, Inc.

                         8.3  Redundancy Identification and Removal,
                         D. Bryan, F. Brglez, R. Lisanke, Microelectronics 
                         Center of North Carolina

6:30 p.m.                Reception/Dinner (Holiday Inn)

8:45 p.m.                Panel Session 2: Research Issues in the 90's
                         Chairperson: Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, 
                         University of California-Berkeley
                         Panelists to be announced

Friday, May 26:

7:45-8:45 a.m.           Continental Breakfast (MCNC)

8:45-10:30 a.m.          Session 9: Encoding
                         Chairperson: Giovanni De Micheli, Stanford University

                         9.1  Algorithms for State Assignments of Finite State
                         Machines for Optimal Two-Level Logic Implementations,
                         T. Villa, A.  Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, University
                         of California-Berkeley

                         9.2  A Generalized PLA Decomposition with Programmable
                         Encoders, S. Yang, M. Ciesielski, University of 

                         9.3  Encoding Symbolic Inputs for Multi-Level Logic
                         Implementation, S. Malik, R. Brayton,
                         A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, University of 

10:30-11:00 a.m.         Break

11:00-12:15 p.m.         Session 10: Complexity Issues
                         Chairperson: Richard Rudell, Synposis, Inc.

                         10.1 Computational Complexity of Logic Synthesis and
                         Optimization, K. Keutzer, University of 
                         California-Berkeley; D. Richards, University of 
                         10.2 On the Complexity of Three-Level Logic Circuits,
                         T. Sasao, Kyushu Institute of Technology

12:15-1:00 p.m.          Session 11: Short Papers
                         Chairperson: Richard Rudell, Synposis, Inc.

                         11.1 Communication Complexity Driven Logic Synthesis,
                         T-T Hwang, R. Owens, J. Irwin, Pennsylvania State 

                         11.2 Min-Cut Algorithm for State Coding, N. Benschop,
                         Philips Research Labs

                         11.3 Technology Mapping for Sequential Logic 
                         Synthesis, C.W. Moon, B. Lin, H. Savoj, R. Brayton, 
                         University of California-Berkeley

1:00 p.m.                Lunch (MCNC) and optional MCNC tour

                         Depart for airport (shuttles from MCNC)


                         For further information contact:

                         Local Arrangements Chairperson:
                              Ruth Lorenzetti
                              3021 Cornwallis Road
                              P.O. Box 12889
                              RTP, NC 27709-2889
                              Phone: 919-248-1923
                              Email: ruthl@mcnc.org


                      International Workshop on Logic Synthesis
                     Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
                                   May 23-26, 1989

                                  BENCHMARK SUMMARY

          In the past, researchers expressed interest in having  a  set  of
          standard benchmarks that could be used to evaluate the quality of
          various logic synthesis methods.    We have, therefore, collected
          logic descriptions from individuals who are willing to have their
          examples redistributed.  The  logic  synthesis  and  optimization
          benchmark set consists of examples from three broad categories:

          -Two-level logic in PLA (ESPRESSO) format.
          -Finite-state tables in KISS or ESPRESSO-MV format.
          -Multi-level logic in BLIF or Netlist-BLIF format.

          Both the benchmark examples and  accompanying  documentation  are
          available from MCNC (see below).

                          Presentation of Benchmark Results

          The workshop will hold a special poster session for  presentation
          of results based on the logic synthesis benchmarks.

          If you wish to  participate  in  the  benchmark  poster  session,
          please indicate this on your workshop registration form or notify
          Ruth Lorenzetti, Publicity/Arrangements  Chair,  at  (919)  248-

          The poster session registration deadline is May 5, 1989.

          To participate in the  benchmark  poster  session,  your  results
          should  be  suitable  for display on a 32 x 40 in.  (81.3 x 101.6
          cm.) or a 40 x 60 in. (101.0 x 52.4 cm.) poster board.   You  may
          choose  either size to display your results.  We will provide the
          poster board as well as transparent tape and  pins  to  help  you
          mount  your  material.  Please  keep  in  mind the need for large
          lettering so that your results can be viewed easily.

                               Benchmark Distribution

          The  benchmark examples for the 1989  International  Workshop  on
          Logic Synthesis can be obtained from MCNC in two ways.

          You may establish an   FTP   connection  to  host  "mcnc.org"  or
          "mcnc.mcnc.org"  and  copy the files using the mget command.  The
          login name is "anonymous" and the password is "guest". The  files
          are under the "/pub/benchmark/synth89/" directory.

          Check the FTP man page for details.  The  following  command  se-
          quence  will obtain all the benchmark data contained in subdirec-
          tories: fsmexamples (FSMs), twolexamples (two-level  examples  in
          ESPRESSO  format),  mlexamples   (multi-level  "BLIF"  examples),
          wkslibrary (the workshop libraries to be used for synthesis), and
          wksdoc (benchmark document in ASCII and LaTeX form).

          (FTP command sequence)

                  ftp mcnc.org
                  (or ftp mcnc.mcnc.org)
                  anonymous     (in response to the "Name" prompt)
                  guest         (in response to the "password" prompt)
                  cd pub/benchmark/synth89
                  cd fsmexamples
                  mget *
                  cd ../mlexamples
                  mget *
                  cd ../twolexamples
                  mget *
                  cd ../wkslibrary
                  mget *
                  cd ../wksdoc
                  mget *

          We are also prepared to send you a 9-track tape  in  either   TAR
          format  or  VMS  format.  Contact us about your requirements.  We
          are requesting that ACM SIGDA provide funds to cover the cost  of
          tapes and shipping, so there is no cost to you for this service.

          For more detailed information about  these  benchmarks,  you  may
          contact Bob Lisanke at (919) 248-1442; e-mail bob@mcnc.org or Tom
          Krakow,  Benchmark  Archival  Secretary,  (919)  248-1959;  email