(Gary Lipton) (05/03/89)
We are trying to evaluate our relative commitment to RNL 4.2, RNL 5.0, and RSIM. What are the relative merits of 4.2 and 5.0? The conventional wisdom is that 4.2 cannot cope well with CMOS (as opposed to NMOS), and that 5.0 remedies this. Is this true? If so, why does UWash/NWLIS support 4.2 and not 5.0? Also, as I understand it, RSIM is basically RNL with a simplified (i.e. non- Lisp) user interface. Do you really need the flexibility of RNL, or is RSIM sufficient for most real-life applications? My guess is that most EE's don't want to learn Lisp just to run a simulator. Finally, do config files (technology files) exist for MOSIS scmos processes? Where can I get them?