[comp.lsi.cad] Ella example designs wanted

nigelw@els.ee.man.ac.uk (Nigel Whitaker) (05/09/89)

Help I'm Looking for examples of Ella Simulations:

If anybody has any (hopefully medium -> large) examples of Ella descriptions,
of anything which isn't too secret,  I would be grateful if I could
hear about them.  I am looking at (intelligent) methods of
partitioning simulation across parallel machines / processes and
any test data of a reasonable size would be useful.

If there is any interest I could also produce a ``who's
doing what with Ella'' from the responses I get (if you reply by mail
please indicate whether you mind if details of your reply are
made available to the net).  I'd especially like to hear from
anyone outside the UK/Europe;  is everybody in the US tied to VHDL?

	Thanks in Advance,

		Nigel Whitaker
Nigel Whitaker                     Tel. (061) 275 6269
Room IT308                         JANET: whitaker@uk.ac.man.cs.cad
Department of Computer Science            or nigelw@uk.ac.man.cs.ux
University of Manchester           BITNET/EARN:
Manchester                              whitaker%cad.cs.man.ac.uk@ukacrl
M13 9PL                            UUCP:   ...!mcvax!ukc!mucs!nigelw
U.K.                               EAN: whitaker@cad.cs.man.ac.uk