[comp.lsi.cad] X11 xsplot

lipton@m2c.m2c.org (Gary Lipton) (05/11/89)

Is there a version of xsplot (SPICE display program) for X11?

Gary Lipton - Massachusetts Microelectronics Center    ##   ## 2 #####
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bradley@dsl.cis.upenn.edu (John Bradley) (05/12/89)

In article <4920@m2c.M2C.ORG> lipton@m2c.m2c.org (Gary Lipton) writes:
>Is there a version of xsplot (SPICE display program) for X11?
>Gary Lipton - Massachusetts Microelectronics Center    ##   ## 2 #####

The latest version of xsplot (for X11) is available, along with some other
x-crap of mine, for anonymous ftp on 'dsl.cis.upenn.edu' {}

John Bradley  -  bradley@cis.upenn.edu