[comp.lsi.cad] Magic on SunOS-4.0.3

gwr@gomez.uucp (Gordon W. Ross) (08/09/89)

In article <20704@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> seeger@iec.ufl.edu
	(F. L. Charles Seeger III) writes:
>Has anyone successfully compiled Magic (from the UCB '86 VLSI Tools) under
>SunOS-4.0.3 and SunView?

Yes, after some work, though it is on a Sun 3/260, not a 3/60.

[ Charles describes problems with Magic failing to ":paint red" ... ]

We did not see these problems, so I'm not sure if my changes would help.
We were seeing core dumps due to some sort of mysterious signal
handling problem.  (It claimed to have died due to a SIGUNDEF).
I managed to get it to work by:

	Replacing some sigvec() calls with signal()
	Compiling everything with static binding (cc -bstatic)

I could not reproduce the crash (it was intermittent), and
the core dump was always too big to for symbolic debugging.
Based on some suspicions I tried portability improvements in the
signal-handling code, and that seems to have fixed it.

I hadn't seen the information you posted on:

"Converting SunWindows Programs to SunView" (Appendix C)
[ Much deleted for brevity... ]

and the restrictions about signal use.  I'm inclined to believe
that signal handling was indeed the problem.

> Regards,
> Chuck
> --
>  Charles Seeger            216 Larsen Hall             +1 904 392 8935
>  Electrical Engineering    University of Florida       "Bye, Opus.
>  seeger@iec.ufl.edu        Gainesville, FL 32611       It's been fun."

I was not willing to put a lot of time into making Magic work with the
SunView libraries because it seems wiser to just use the X version.

If someone wants my changes for Magic I'll be happy to send them.
Gordon W. Ross    gwr@gomez.mitre.org    (617) 271-3205 (daytime)
The MITRE Corp. (M/S E025)  Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730