JHS106@psuvm.psu.edu (09/05/90)
I work in a microelectronics research facility at Penn State. Up until now we have been sending drawings (by hand) to mask manufacturers, but we are getting an IBM s/6000 and would like to begin using it as a CAD tool for mask design. The formats that people tell me are popular are CIF and GDS2. What is available in the way of CAD software products that can write files in these formats (either, not necessarily both)? We are rather uninformed in this subject area, so no reply is too simple for us. Any information would be appreciated. If enough replies are received, I'll post a summary. Thankyou, Jim Smith Center for Electronic Materials and Devices Pennsylvania State University 227 Hammond Bldg. Univ. Park, PA 16802 (814) 863-6302 JHS106@PSUVM.PSU.EDU