[comp.lsi.cad] D-algorithm implementation

sb5w@ra.cs.Virginia.EDU (Shekhar Bapat) (09/14/90)

	I am about to embark on implementing the D-algorithm and I
would like to know if there is an implementation of the D-algorithm in
public domain.  Also, could someone tell me as to how many lines of
code a typical implementation takes?

P.S. - By D-algorithm, I mean Roth's D-algorithm used for testing stuck
at faults for VLSI.

	- Shekhar Bapat
237 Olsson Hall, CS Deptt             1800 Jefferson Park Avenue
University of Virginia                Charlottesville, VA 22903
office: (804) 982-2295                home: (804) 979-4889
         Reply to - sb5w@virginia.edu