owens@psuvax1.cs.psu.edu (Robert Michael Owens) (12/02/90)
PHYSICAL DESIGN WORKSHOP II Module Generation and Silicon Compilation Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA May 20-22, 1991 Sponsored by ACM's SIGDA FIRST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION You are invited to participate in the second Physical Design Workshop to be held at The Nemacolin Woodlands Conference Center in the Laurel Highlands outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 20-22, 1991. Presentations will focus in IC physical design with emphasis on recent developments in module generation and silicon compilation including: o layout from netlists o layout to/from schematics o layout from behavioral HDL's o performance driven layout o experiences with silicon compilation o layout benchmark results The workshop will be limited in the number of attendees. To facilitate comparison of results a set of standard benchmark cir- cuits will be distributed by December 1990. Please contact the bench- mark chair to obtain more information about the benchmarks for the workshop. Participants wishing to deliver a presentation should submit 14 copies of a manuscript whose length does not exceed 3000 words, apart from figures, indicating the status of the work and significant results. Proposals will be reviewed by the technical program committee. A proceedings will be published and distributed at the workshop. The submission deadline is January 11, 1991. WORKSHOP DEADLINES Jan. 11, 1991 Last day to receive proposals Feb. 22, 1991 Notification of acceptance March 15, 1991 Camera-ready copy due May 1, 1991 Last day to receive proposals for presentation of benchmark results For further information contact: Workshop Chair Program Chair Antun Domic Mary Jane Irwin 333 Whitmore Lab Dept. of Cmp. Science Penn State Univ. Univ. Park, PA 16802 domic@cadsys.dec.com mji@cs.psu.edu Benchmark Chair Arrangements Chair Dwight Hill Steven Levitan 348 Benedum Hall AT&T Bell Labs Dept. of Elec. Engr. 600 Mountain Ave. Univ. of Pittsburgh Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Pittsburgh, PA 15261 dwight@allegra.att.com levitan@ee.pitt.edu