[comp.lsi.cad] CHDL 91 Proceedings - BibTeX file

marshall@manse.cs.man.ac.uk (Robert Marshall) (05/09/91)

In case anyone is interested here is a BiBTeX file for the proceedings of the
CHDL 91 conference in Marseille last month

File /home/panda/ra/robert/vhdl/chdl91.bib last modified on Thu May  2 11:20:15 1991.
	AUTHOR = {Laurence Pierre},
	TITLE = "``{From a HDL Description to Formal Proof Systems: Principles and Mechanization}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr
	PAGES = {1--22},

	AUTHOR = {Alberto Coen-Porisini and Angelo Morzenti and Donatella Sciuto},
	TITLE = "``{Specification and Verification of Hardware Systems using the Temporal Logic Language TRIO}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {23--41},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Catia M Angelo and Luc Claesen and Hugo De Man},
	TITLE = "``{A Methodology for Proving Correctness of Parameterized Hardware Modules in HOL}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {43--62},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Glenn Jennings},
	TITLE = "``{An Exercise in VHDL Timing Back-Annotation}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {63--75},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Zainalabedin Navabi},
	TITLE = "``{Behavioural Level Modelling of Gate Level Loading Effects}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {77--93},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Andreas Oczko and Christel Oczko},
	TITLE = "``{Putting Different Simulation Models Together - The Simulation Language VHDL/S}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {95--109},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {P-P. Hou and R. M. Owens and M. J. Irwin},
	TITLE = "``{High Level Specification and Synthesis of Sequential Logic Modules}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {111--122},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Jeffrey J. Joyce and John P. Van Tassel},
	TITLE = "``{Fully generic description of hardware in VHDL}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {123--132},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Suresh Rajgopal and Kye Hedlund and Douglas Reeves},
	TITLE = "``{Integrating Hardware Verification with CHDLs}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {133--143},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Frank Vahid and Sanjiv Narayan and Daniel Gajski},
	TITLE = "``{SpecCharts:  A Language for System Level Synthesis}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {145--154},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Masahiro Fujita},
	TITLE = "``{Description Methods of CHDL for Redesign Methods}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {155--164},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {R. T. Boute},
	TITLE = "``{Declarative languages - still a long way to go}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {165--192},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Andrew Bailey},
	TITLE = "``{Abstraction Mechanisms for Hardware Verification: Formalisation in a Process Algebra}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {193--208},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {F. Corella and R. Camposano and R. Bergamaschi and M. Payer},
	TITLE = "``{Verification of Synchronous Circuits Obtained from Algorithmic Specifications,}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {209--227},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Thomas Filkhorn},
	TITLE = "``{A Method for Symbolic Verification of Synchronous Circuits,}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {229--239},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {T. Amon and G Borriello and C. S\'{e}quin},
	TITLE = "``{Operation/Event Graphs: A Design Representation for Timing Behaviour}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {241--260},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Giacomo Buonanno and Sandro Morasca and Mauro Pezz\`{e} and Kit Portman and Donatella Sciuto},
	TITLE = "``{A New Timed Petri Net Model for Hardware Representation}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {261--280},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {D. Lanneer and G. Goossens and F. Catthoor and M. Pauwels and H. De Man},
	TITLE = "``{An Object-Orientated Framework supporting the full High-Level Synthesis Trajectory}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {281--300},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {David Agnew},
	TITLE = "``{VHDL Extensions Needed for Synthesis and Design}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {303--317},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Vankatesh Akella and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan},
	TITLE = "``{Hierarchical Action Refinement: A Methodology for Compiling Asynchronous Circuits from a Concurrent HDL}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {319--338},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Chee-Keng Chang and Geoffrey M. Brown and Miriam E. Lesser},
	TITLE = "``{EDISYN: A Language-Based Editor for High-Level Synthesis}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {339--357},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Sangchul Kim and Moon Jung Chung},
	TITLE = "``{A Constraint-Driven Approach to Configuration Binding in an Object-Oriented VHDL CAD System}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {359--374},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Nikil D. Dutt and Joong Hwee Cho and Tedd Hadley},
	TITLE = "``{A User Interface for VHDL Behavioural Modelling}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {375--393},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {Chang H. Cho and James R. Armstrong},
	TITLE = "``{VHDL Semantics for Behavioural Test Generation}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {395--412},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,
	ANNOTATE = {Discusses the semantics of the VHDL process statement}

	AUTHOR = {P. Wodley and C. Robach},
	TITLE = "``{Using a VHDL description to generate hardware test}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {413--431},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr,

	AUTHOR = {H. D. H\"{u}mmer and H. Veit and H. T\"{o}pfer},
	TITLE = "``{Functional Tests for Hardware Derived from VHDL Description}''",
	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	PAGES = {433--445},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr, 

	BOOKTITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	TITLE = {CHDL 91 - Computer Hardware Description Languages and their Application},
	YEAR = {1991},
	EDITOR = {D. Borrione and R. Waxman},
	ADDRESS = {Marseille, France},
	MONTH = Apr
Robert A.J.Marshall,		EMAIL: rmarshall@cs.man.ac.uk
Room 3.08, IT Building, Department of Computer Science,
University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K.
Tel: (+44) 61-275 6269          Fax: (+44) 61-275 6280