[comp.lsi.cad] Anybody interested in a PD-testpattern generator

wjw@ebh.eb.ele.tue.nl (Willem Jan Withagen) (05/21/91)

It's been a while, but I've written my implementation of PODEM as automatic
testpattern generator. It's only for combinatorial circuits.
This code is sort of lingering around, nobody really uses it. 
(Except me, just for fun)

Would there be any interest for the program. I'm not yet releasing the source
but could make available code running on
 -	Apollo DN{3,4}000
 -	PC for small small systems ( Turbo-C compiled )
 -	PC/386 GNU compiled, which take large circuits

It has very little manual with it, but that's one point I'm still
working on.

Willem Jan Withagen.

Eindhoven University of Technology   DomainName:  wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl    
Digital Systems Group, Room EH 10.10 
P.O. 513                             Tel: +31-40-473401
5600 MB Eindhoven                    The Netherlands