[rec.games.programmer] Developing MacIntosh applications in Common Lisp

converse@cs.uchicago.edu (timoshenko) (03/04/91)

	I've used MacIntosh Allegro Common Lisp a fair amount, and
have been quite impressed -- fast implementation, nice programming

	I've seen publicity on the net for MacIntosh Common Lisp v. 
2.0B1 (the successor to Allegro CL), which emphasizes even more than
previous PR the virtues of their program as a development environment
for stand-alone Mac applications.

	So my question is: has anyone out there actually written
commercial or semi-commercial applications using Mac Allegro Cl?
I'd be interested in any war stories from such efforts, either by
email or posted if it seems of general interest.   

		Tim Converse

P.S.  I'm _not_ particularly interested in starting a "which language
is better?" flame war, so responses of the form "I've never programmed
in Lisp, but why not just use <lower-level language> 'cause it can do 
everything Lisp can do and faster too!" are discouraged.



Tim Converse  U. of Chicago AI Lab   converse@cs.uchicago.edu  (312) 702-8584