[rec.games.programmer] VOGLE questions on PC

murrayk@prism.CS.ORST.EDU (05/11/91)

I have just aquired the VOGLE graphics package and I am currently compiling
it under dos 4.01 with BC++.  I have no problems compiling all of it, the
problem comes in when I try to run any of the example programs that come
with the package.  I get the message saying that it is unable to open a font
file.  I GREPped around and found that that is the default font file that
is loaded in the file DRIVERS.C.  I tried changing the font name to a name
that I found in another of the demo files but it said that it couldn't find
that file either.  The font stuff seems to be compiling correctly.  I can't 
find what I am missing.  I would love to hear from anyone with experience
on this subject.

Thanks a lot, Keith.

   |	CHAOS Software		|	"If I tell ya what I'm doing
   |	1360 NW VanBuren	|	today, will you shut up and
   |	Corvallis, OR  97330	|	get out of my way?"
   ------------------------------		-ANTHRAX-
Keith Murray (503) 757-2753		"A little man with a big eraser,
murrayk@prism.cs.orst.ed		changing history..."