[rec.games.programmer] Formulas for projections

richv@hpinddu.cup.hp.com (Rich Van Gaasbeck) (06/05/91)

I would like to play around with a couple of different projections.
Specifically I would like to create an azimuthal equidistance X-window
of the earth from a country outline database.  Would anyone have a
formula handy for translating lat/long into x/y coordinates?

I'm also trying to create whatever projection you would call "looking
at the earth from the moon".  I think I can figure this out if I think
about it some more, but the azimuthal equidistance projection is
beyond me.

Perhaps someone can suggest a reference text on the subject.  (Not
general computer graphics, but specifically covering the bizarre
transformations cartographers use to draw a 3d globe onto a 2d piece
of paper).


BTW azimuthal equidistance projections look really weird but are
handy in amateur radio to determine which way to point directional