(EDIF Committee) (05/19/87)
Several people have sent mail to point out that I forgot to say just what EDIF is in my first post. EDIF stands for Electronic Design Interchange Format (sorry for another acronym). EDIF is derived from such standards as CIF, TIDAL, CIDF, GAIL etc., and attempts to allow the transfer of a complete spectrum of electronic information about a design. This includes schematics, simulation models, physical design rules, symbolic layout, test vectors, PCB layout, and IC mask layout. It is a neutral, public domain format and intended to facilitate the interchange of designs bvetween different CAD/CAE systems (including engineering workstations). It has been under development for 3 1/2 years, and is now entering full production use at many companies and universities worldwide. THe mailing list has addresses from over 29 countries worldwide. For more information (free) write to: EDIF User Group 2222 South Dobson Road, Building 5 Mesa, AZ 85202