[comp.lsi] IFIP Summer School on VLSI 24 July - 5 August 88, Bergen, Norway

tore@LOKE.UNIT.NO (Tore S{ter IDT) (02/11/88)

International IFIP Summer School on Innovations in VLSI Architecture
and Design Strategies, Os by Bergen, Norway, 24 July - 5 August 1988.
Sponsor: IFIP (International Federation for Infomation Processing) TC
10 WG 10.5 and the Royal Norwegian Council for Industrial and
Scientific Research (NTNF). Contact for programme and information on
grants: Ms. Astrid Bye, VLSI Summer School '88, Norwegian Institute of
Technology, Dept. of Continuing Education, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway,
Telex: 55637 NTHAD N., elmail: tore@idt.unit.no or
saeter%vax.runit.unit.uninett@nta-vax.arpa. Organizing Chairman: Prof.
Arne Halaas, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Division of Computer
Systems and Telematics.

Tore Saeter (on behalf of prof. Arne Halaas)