grout@cadillac.stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET (Steve Grout) (07/13/88)
The following summarizes MCC's available tests translated from the earlier DoD-funded Intermetrics 7.2 VHDL test suite. These are the tests ready for sharing with others interested in jointly developing an industry test suite for 1076 VHDL. The tests themselves will be posted to the following places on a chapter by chapter basis: comp.lsi (a netnews news group) Comments and especially detailed technical criticism ARE MOST URGENTLY REQUESTED! Note that most tests have been checked against an analyzer running mainly in syntax-check mode. Also some of the tests in chapter 7 have functions which are defined in a package body but have no corresponding package declaration; this will be corrected in the near future. Each pair of paragraph numbering is of the form: "<paragraph description> - <7.2 numbering> --> <1076 numbering>" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter: 01-Design Entity Paragraph: Interface Declarations to Entity declarations - 1.1 --> 1.1 tests: e-01-1-0-0001a.vhdl e-01-1-0-0002a.vhdl s-01-1-0-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: Ports - 1.1.1 --> tests: e-01-1-1-0001a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0002a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0003a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0004a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0005a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0006a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0007a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0008a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0009a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0010a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0011a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0012a.vhdl e-01-1-1-0013a.vhdl s-01-1-1-0001a.vhdl s-01-1-1-0002a.vhdl s-01-1-1-0003a.vhdl s-01-1-1-0004a.vhdl s-01-1-1-0005a.vhdl s-01-1-1-0006a.vhdl Paragraph: Generics - 1.1.2 --> tests: Paragraph: Interface Declaration Part to Entity Declarative Part - 1.1.3 --> 1.1.2 tests: e-01-1-2-0001a.vhdl e-01-1-2-0002a.vhdl s-01-1-2-0002a.vhdl echo Entity Statement Part - --> 1.1.3 e-01-1-3-0001a.vhdl s-01-1-3-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: Body Declarations to Architectural and Configuration declarations - 1.2 --> tests: Paragraph: Architectural Body Declarations - 1.2.1 --> 1.2 tests: e-01-2-0-0001a.vhdl e-01-2-0-0002a.vhdl e-01-2-0-0003a.vhdl s-01-2-0-0001a.vhdl s-01-2-0-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: Architectural Declaration Part - --> 1.2.1 tests: e-01-2-1-0001a.vhdl s-01-2-1-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: Architectural Statement Part - --> 1.2.2 tests: e-01-2-2-0001a.vhdl s-01-2-2-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: Configuration Body Declarations to Configuration Declarations - 1.2.2 --> 1.3 tests: e-01-3-0-0001a.vhdl e-01-3-0-0002a.vhdl s-01-3-0-0001a.vhdl s-01-3-0-0002a.vhdl s-01-3-0-0003a.vhdl Paragraph: Block Configuration - --> 1.3.1 tests: Paragraph: Component Configuration - --> 1.3.2 tests: Chapter: 02-Subprograms And Packages Paragraph: Subprogram Declarations - 2.1 --> 2.1 tests: s-02-1-0-0001a.vhdl s-02-1-0-0002a.vhd s-02-1-0-0003a.vhd s-02-1-0-0004a.vhd e-02-1-0-0005a.vhdl e-02-1-0-0006a.vhdl Paragraph: Formal Parameter Modes - 2.2 --> 2.1.1 tests: e-02-1-1-0001a.vhdl e-02-1-1-0002a.vhdl e-02-1-1-0003a.vhdl e-02-1-1-0004a.vhdl e-02-1-1-0005a.vhdl e-02-1-1-0006a.vhdl e-02-1-1-0007a.vhdl e-02-1-1-0008a.vhdl Paragraph: Constants and Variable Parameters --> tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: Signal Parameters - --> tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: Subprogram Bodies - 2.3 --> 2.2 tests: e-02-2-0-0001a.vhdl e-02-2-0-0002a.vhdl e-02-2-0-0003a.vhdl s-02-2-0-0004a.vhd s-02-2-0-0005a.vhd s-02-2-0-0006a.vhd Paragraph: Subprogram Overloading - --> 2.3 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: Operator Overloading - --> 2.3.1 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: Resolution functions - --> 2.4 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) ................ Paragraph: Package Declarations - --> 2.5 tests: e-02-5-0-0001a.vhdl e-02-5-0-0002a.vhdl e-02-5-0-0003a.vhdl s-02-5-0-0001a.vhdl s-02-5-0-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: Package Bodies - --> 2.6 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: Conformance Rules - --> 2.7 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Chapter: 03-Types Paragraph: rename Types - 4.0 --> 3.0 tests: test e-03-0-0-0001a.vhd is OK asis. Paragraph: rename Scalar Types - 4.1 --> 3.1 tests: e-03-1-0-0001a.vhd e-03-1-0-0002a.vhd e-03-1-0-0003a.vhd s-03-1-0-0001a.vhd s-03-1-0-0002a.vhd s-03-1-0-0003a.vhd Paragraph: rename Enumeration Types - 4.1.1 --> 3.1.1 tests: e-03-1-1-0001a.vhd e-03-1-1-0002a.vhd e-03-1-1-0003a.vhd e-03-1-1-0004a.vhd s-03-1-1-0001a.vhd s-03-1-1-0002a.vhd Paragraph: rename Predefined Enumeration Types - --> tests: e-03-1-1-1001a.vhd e-03-1-1-1002a.vhd e-03-1-1-1003a.vhd e-03-1-1-1004a.vhd s-03-1-1-1001a.vhd s-03-1-1-1002a.vhd s-03-1-1-1003a.vhd s-03-1-1-1004a.vhd s-03-1-1-1005a.vhd s-03-1-1-1006a.vhd s-03-1-1-1007a.vhd s-03-1-1-1008a.vhd Paragraph: rename Integer Types - 4.1.2 --> 3.1.2 tests: e-03-1-2-0001a.vhd e-03-1-2-0002a.vhd s-03-1-2-0001a.vhd e-03-3-0-0001a.vhd e-03-3-0-0001b.vhd s-03-3-0-0001a.vhd Paragraph: rename Predefined Integer Types - --> tests: s-03-1-2-1001a.vhd s-03-1-2-1002a.vhd Paragraph: rename Physical Types - 4.1.3 --> 3.1.3 tests: e-03-1-3-0001a.vhd e-03-1-3-0002a.vhd e-03-1-3-0003a.vhd e-03-1-3-0004a.vhd e-03-1-3-0005a.vhd e-03-1-3-0006a.vhd e-03-1-3-0007a.vhd e-03-1-3-0008a.vhd e-03-1-3-0009a.vhd e-03-1-3-0010a.vhd s-03-1-3-0001a.vhd s-03-1-3-0002a.vhd s-03-1-3-0003a.vhd s-03-1-3-0004a.vhd s-03-1-3-0005a.vhd s-03-1-3-0006a.vhd Paragraph: rename Predefined Physical Types - --> tests: s-03-1-3-1001a.vhd Paragraph: rename Floating Point Types - 4.1.4 --> 3.1.4 tests: e-03-1-4-0001a.vhd e-03-1-4-0002a.vhd e-03-1-4-0003a.vhd s-03-1-4-0001a.vhd echo Paragraph: Predefined Floating Point Types - --> tests: s-03-1-4-1001a.vhd s-03-1-4-1002a.vhd Paragraph: rename Composite Types - 4.2 --> 3.2 tests: Paragraph: rename Array Types - 4.2.1 --> 3.2.1 tests: e-03-2-1-0001a.vhd e-03-2-1-0002a.vhd e-03-2-1-0003a.vhd e-03-2-1-0004a.vhd e-03-2-1-0005a.vhd e-03-2-1-0006a.vhd e-03-2-1-0007a.vhd e-03-2-1-0008a.vhd e-03-2-1-0009a.vhd s-03-2-1-0001a.vhd s-03-2-1-0002a.vhd s-03-2-1-0003a.vhd s-03-2-1-0004a.vhd Paragraph: rename Index Constraints And Discrete Ranges - --> tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: rename Predefined Array Types - --> tests: s-03-2-1-1001a.vhd s-03-2-1-1002a.vhd Paragraph: rename Record Types - 4.2.2 --> 3.2.2 tests: e-03-2-2-0001a.vhd e-03-2-2-0002a.vhd e-03-2-2-0003a.vhd e-03-2-2-0004a.vhd e-03-2-2-0005a.vhd s-03-2-2-0001a.vhd s-03-2-2-0002a.vhd s-03-2-2-0003a.vhd Paragraph: rename Type Conversion to Integer/Floating Types - 4.3 --> 7.3.5 tests: (Tests moved to paragraph 7.3.5) Paragraph: rename Access Type - --> 3.3 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: rename Incomplete Type Declaration - --> 3.3.1 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: rename Allocation and deallocation of Objects - --> 3.3.2 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: rename File Types - --> 3.4 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: rename File Operations - --> 3.4.1 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Chapter: 04-Declarations Paragraph: rename Declarations - 5.0 --> 4.0 tests: Paragraph: rename Types - 5.1 --> 4.1 tests: Paragraph: rename Type Declarations - 5.1.1 --> 4.1 tests: e-04-1-1-0001a.vhd Paragraph: rename Subtype Declarations - 5.1.2 --> 4.2 tests: e-04-2-0-0001a.vhd e-04-2-0-0002a.vhd s-04-2-0-0001a.vhd s-04-2-0-0002a.vhd s-04-2-0-0003a.vhd s-04-2-0-0004a.vhd s-04-2-0-0005a.vhd s-04-2-0-0006a.vhd s-04-2-0-0007a.vhd s-04-2-0-0008a.vhd s-04-2-0-0009a.vhd Paragraph: rename Objects - 5.2 --> 4.3 tests: Paragraph: rename Object Declarations - 5.2.1 --> 4.3.1 tests: e-04-3-1-0001a.vhd e-04-3-1-0002a.vhd e-04-3-1-0003a.vhd e-04-3-1-0004a.vhd e-04-3-1-0005a.vhd e-04-3-1-0006a.vhd s-04-3-1-0001a.vhd s-04-3-1-0002a.vhd s-04-3-1-0003a.vhd s-04-3-1-0004a.vhd Paragraph: rename Constant Declarations - --> tests: e-04-3-1-1001a.vhd e-04-3-1-1002a.vhd Paragraph: rename Signal Declarations - --> tests: e-04-3-1-2001a.vhd e-04-3-1-2002a.vhd e-04-3-1-2003a.vhd e-04-3-1-2004a.vhd e-04-3-1-2005a.vhd e-04-3-1-2006a.vhd s-04-3-1-2001a.vhd s-04-3-1-2002a.vhd s-04-3-1-2003a.vhd s-04-3-1-2004a.vhd Paragraph: rename Variable Declarations - --> tests: e-04-3-1-3001a.vhd Paragraph: rename File Declarations - --> 4.3.2 tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: rename Alias Declarations - --> 4.3.4 tests: e-04-3-4-0001a.vhd e-04-3-4-0002a.vhd e-04-3-4-0003a.vhd e-04-3-4-0004a.vhd e-04-3-4-0005a.vhd s-04-3-4-0001a.vhd s-04-3-4-0002a.vhd s-04-3-4-0003a.vhd Paragraph: rename Interface Declarations - --> 4.3.3 tests: Paragraph: rename Interface Lists - 5.2.2 --> tests: e-04-3-3-0001a.vhd e-04-3-3-0002a.vhd e-04-3-3-0003a.vhd e-04-3-3-0004a.vhd e-04-3-3-0005a.vhd e-04-3-3-0006a.vhd e-04-3-3-0007a.vhd e-04-3-3-0008a.vhd e-04-3-3-0009a.vhd e-04-3-3-0010a.vhd e-04-3-3-0011a.vhd e-04-3-3-0012a.vhd e-04-3-3-0013a.vhd s-04-3-3-0001a.vhd s-04-3-3-0002a.vhd s-04-3-3-0003a.vhd s-04-3-3-0004a.vhd s-04-3-3-0005a.vhd s-04-3-3-0006a.vhd s-04-3-3-0007a.vhd s-04-3-3-0008a.vhd s-04-3-3-0009a.vhd s-04-3-3-0010a.vhd s-04-3-3-0011a.vhd Paragraph: rename Association Lists - --> tests: (...No tests available from 7.2 suite.) Paragraph: rename Attribute Declarations - 5.3, 5.3.1-2 --> 4.4 tests: e-04-4-0-0001a.vhd e-04-4-0-0001b.vhd e-04-4-0-0002a.vhd s-04-4-0-0001a.vhd s-04-4-0-0002a.vhd s-04-4-0-0003a.vhd s-04-4-0-0004a.vhd Paragraph: rename Component Declarations - 5.4 --> 4.5 tests: e-04-5-0-0001a.vhd e-04-5-0-0002a.vhd e-04-5-0-0003a.vhd e-04-5-0-0004a.vhd s-04-5-0-0001a.vhd Chapter: rename Chapter 05 - Specifications Paragraph: rename Specifications - 6.1 --> tests: Paragraph: rename Attribute specifications - 6.1.1 --> 5.1 tests: e-05-1-0-0001a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0002a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0003a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0004a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0005a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0006a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0007a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0008a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0009a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0010a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0011a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0012a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0013a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0014a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0015a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0016a.vhdl e-05-1-0-0016b.vhdl e-05-1-0-0017a.vhdl s-05-1-0-0001a.vhdl s-05-1-0-0002a.vhdl s-05-1-0-0003a.vhdl s-05-1-0-0004a.vhdl s-05-1-0-0005a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Configuration Specifications - 6.1.2 --> 5.2 tests: e-05-2-0-0001a.vhdl e-05-2-0-0002a.vhdl e-05-2-0-0003a.vhdl e-05-2-0-0004a.vhdl e-05-2-0-0005a.vhdl e-05-2-0-0007a.vhdl e-05-2-0-0008a.vhdl s-05-2-0-0001a.vhdl s-05-2-0-0002a.vhdl s-05-2-0-0003a.vhdl s-05-2-0-0004a.vhdl s-05-2-0-0006a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Binding Indication - --> 5.2.1 tests: s-05-2-1-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Entity Aspect - --> tests: e-05-2-1-1001a.vhdl e-05-2-1-1002a.vhdl Paragraph: ( Entity and Body Aspect chapters were merged in 1076.) tests: Paragraph: rename Body/Entity Aspect - --> tests: (Some tests were deleted as no longer applicable.) e-05-2-1-1003a.vhdl s-05-2-1-1004a.vhdl s-05-2-1-1001a.vhdl (The Map and Actual generics/ports Aspect chapters were combined in 1076.) Paragraph: rename Port Map and Generic Map Aspects - --> tests: e-05-2-1-2002a.vhdl e-05-2-1-2003a.vhdl e-05-2-1-2004a.vhdl e-05-2-1-2005a.vhdl s-05-2-1-2001a.vhdl s-05-2-1-2001b.vhdl Paragraph: rename Actual Ports and Actual Generics Aspects - --> tests: s-05-1-2-2001c.vhdl (Next Level Configuration tests merged with Configuration Declarations.) Paragraph: rename Next Level Configuration - --> 1.3 tests: (some tests moved to 1.3) (Most of the 7.2 6.2.x Directive tests were deleted as not applicable.) e-05-2-2-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Assert Directives to Concurrent Assert Stmts - 6.2.1 --> 9.4 tests: Chapter: rename Chapter 7 Names and Expressions (7.2) to 06-Names (1076) Paragraph: rename Names - 7.1 --> 6.1 tests: Paragraph: rename Simple Names - 7.1.1 --> 6.2 tests: s-06-1-0-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Library Names - 7.1.2 --> 11.2 (See Chapter 11) tests: Paragraph: rename Selected Names - 7.1.3 --> 6.3 tests: e-06-3-0-0001a.vhdl e-06-3-0-0002a.vhdl e-06-3-0-0003a.vhdl e-06-3-0-0004a.vhdl e-06-3-0-0005a.vhdl e-06-3-0-0006a.vhdl e-06-3-0-0007a.vhdl e-06-3-0-0008a.vhdl e-06-3-0-0009a.vhdl s-06-3-0-0001a.vhdl s-06-3-0-0002a.vhdl s-06-3-0-0003a.vhdl s-06-3-0-0004a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Indexed Names - 7.1.4 --> 6.4 tests: e-06-4-0-0001a.vhdl e-06-4-0-0002a.vhdl e-06-4-0-0003a.vhdl s-06-4-0-0001a.vhdl s-06-4-0-0002a.vhdl s-06-4-0-0003a.vhdl s-06-4-0-0004a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Slice Names - 7.1.5 --> 6.5 tests: e-06-5-0-0001a.vhdl e-06-5-0-0002a.vhdl e-06-5-0-0003a.vhdl e-06-5-0-0004a.vhdl e-06-5-0-0005a.vhdl e-06-5-0-0006a.vhdl s-06-5-0-0001a.vhdl s-06-5-0-0002a.vhdl s-06-5-0-0003a.vhdl s-06-5-0-0004a.vhdl s-06-5-0-0005a.vhdl s-06-5-0-0006a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Attribute Names - 7.1.6 --> 6.6 tests: e-06-6-0-0001a.vhdl e-06-6-0-0002a.vhdl s-06-6-0-0001a.vhdl s-06-6-0-0002a.vhdl s-06-6-0-0003a.vhdl s-06-6-0-0004a.vhdl s-06-6-0-0005a.vhdl s-06-6-0-0006a.vhdl Chapter: 07-Expressions Paragraph: rename Expressions - 7.1 tests: e-07-1-0-0001a.vhdl e-07-1-0-0001b.vhdl e-07-1-0-0001c.vhdl e-07-1-0-0001d.vhdl e-07-1-0-0001e.vhdl e-07-1-0-0001f.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001a.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001b.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001c.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001d.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001e.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001f.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001g.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001h.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001i.vhdl s-07-1-0-0001j.vhdl Paragraph: rename Operators - 7.2 tests: e-07-2-0-0001a.vhdl e-07-2-0-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Logical Operators - 7.2.1 tests: e-07-2-1-0001a.vhdl e-07-2-1-0002a.vhdl e-07-2-1-0003a.vhdl e-07-2-1-0004a.vhdl s-07-2-1-0001a.vhdl s-07-2-1-0002a.vhdl s-07-2-1-0003a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Relational Operators - 7.2.2 tests: e-07-2-2-0001a.vhdl e-07-2-2-0001b.vhdl e-07-2-2-0001c.vhdl s-07-2-2-0001a.vhdl s-07-2-2-0002a.vhdl s-07-2-2-0003a.vhdl s-07-2-2-0004a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Adding Operators - 7.2.3 tests: e-07-2-3-0001a.vhdl e-07-2-3-0002a.vhdl e-07-2-3-0003a.vhdl e-07-2-3-0004a.vhdl e-07-2-3-0005a.vhdl e-07-2-3-0006a.vhdl s-07-2-3-0001a.vhdl s-07-2-3-0002a.vhdl s-07-2-3-0003a.vhdl s-07-2-3-0004a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Multiplying Operators - 7.2.4 tests: e-07-2-4-0001a.vhdl e-07-2-4-0002a.vhdl e-07-2-4-0003a.vhdl e-07-2-4-0004a.vhdl e-07-2-4-0005a.vhdl s-07-2-4-0001a.vhdl s-07-2-4-0002a.vhdl s-07-2-4-0003a.vhdl s-07-2-4-0004a.vhdl s-07-2-4-0005a.vhdl s-07-2-4-0006a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Misc Operators - 7.2.5 tests: e-07-2-1-5001a.vhdl e-07-2-1-5002a.vhdl e-07-2-1-5003a.vhdl s-07-2-1-5001a.vhdl s-07-2-1-5002a.vhdl s-07-2-1-5003a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Operands - 7.3 tests: Paragraph: rename Literal - 7.3.1 tests: Paragraph: rename Aggregates - 7.3.2 tests: e-07-2-2-2001a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2002a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2003a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2003b.vhdl e-07-2-2-2004a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2005a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2006a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2006b.vhdl e-07-2-2-2007a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2001a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2002a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2003a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2004a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2005a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Record Aggregates - tests: e-07-2-2-2101a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2102a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2103a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2104a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2105a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2106a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2107a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Array Aggregates - tests: e-07-2-2-2201a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2202a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2203a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2204a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2205a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2206a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2207a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2208a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2209a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2210a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2211a.vhdl e-07-2-2-2212a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2201a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2202a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2203a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2204a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2205a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2206a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2207a.vhdl s-07-2-2-2208a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Function Calls - 7.3.3 tests: e-07-2-2-3001a.vhdl e-07-2-2-3002a.vhdl s-07-2-2-3001a.vhdl s-07-2-2-3002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Qualified Expressions - 7.3.4 tests: e-07-2-2-4001a.vhdl Paragraph: missing section: Type Conversion - 7.3.5 tests: (from paragraph 4.3) e-07-3-5-0001a.vhd e-07-3-5-0001b.vhd s-07-3-5-0001a.vhd Paragraph: missing section: Allocators - 7.3.6 tests: Paragraph: rename Static Expressions - 7.3.1 --> 7.4.0 tests: Paragraph: rename Generic Expressions - 7.3.2 --> ? tests: Paragraph: rename Universal Expressions - ???? --> 7.5 tests: Paragraph: rename Boolean Expressions - 7.3.3 --> ? tests: Paragraph: rename Association Lists - 7.4 --> ( Declarations) tests: e-07-4-0-0001a.vhdl e-07-4-0-0002a.vhdl e-07-4-0-0003a.vhdl e-07-4-0-0004a.vhdl e-07-4-0-0005a.vhdl e-07-4-0-0006a.vhdl e-07-4-0-0007a.vhdl e-07-4-0-0008a.vhdl s-07-4-0-0001a.vhdl s-07-4-0-0002a.vhdl s-07-4-0-0003a.vhdl Chapter: 08-Sequential Tests Paragraph: rename 08-Sequential tests tests: e-08-0-0-0002a.vhdl e-08-0-0-0003a.vhdl e-08-0-0-0004a.vhdl s-08-0-0-0001a.vhdl s-08-0-0-0001b.vhdl Paragraph: rename enable stmts --> wait stmts - 8.1.1 --> 8.1 tests: s-08-1-0-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: rename assertion stmts - 8.1.3 --> 8.2 tests: e-08-2-0-0001a.vhdl e-08-2-0-0002a.vhdl e-08-2-0-0003a.vhdl e-08-2-0-0004a.vhdl s-08-2-0-0001a.vhdl s-08-2-0-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename signal assignment stmts - 8.1.4 --> 8.3 tests: e-08-3-0-0001a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0002a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0003a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0004a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0005a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0006a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0007a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0008a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0009a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0010a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0011a.vhdl e-08-3-0-0012a.vhdl s-08-3-0-0001a.vhdl s-08-3-0-0002a.vhdl s-08-3-0-0003a.vhdl s-08-3-0-0004a.vhdl s-08-3-0-0005a.vhdl s-08-3-0-0006a.vhdl Paragraph: rename updating a projected output waveform - --> 8.3.1 tests: Paragraph: rename variable assignment - 8.1.5 --> 8.4 tests: e-08-4-0-0001a.vhdl e-08-4-0-0002a.vhdl e-08-4-0-0003a.vhdl e-08-4-0-0004a.vhdl e-08-4-0-0005a.vhdl e-08-4-0-0006a.vhdl e-08-4-0-0007a.vhdl e-08-4-0-0008a.vhdl s-08-4-0-0001a.vhdl s-08-4-0-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename array variable assignments - --> 8.4.1 tests: e-08-4-1-1001a.vhdl Paragraph: rename procedure call stmts - 8.1.6 --> 8.5 tests: e-08-5-0-0001a.vhdl s-08-5-0-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: rename if stmts - 8.1.7 --> 8.6 tests: e-08-6-0-0001a.vhdl e-08-6-0-0002a.vhdl e-08-6-0-0003a.vhdl e-08-6-0-0003b.vhdl e-08-6-0-0004a.vhdl e-08-6-0-0005a.vhdl Paragraph: rename case stmts - 8.1.8 --> 8.7 tests: e-08-7-0-0001a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0002a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0003a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0004a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0005a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0006a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0007a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0008a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0009a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0010a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0011a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0012a.vhdl e-08-7-0-0013a.vhdl s-08-7-0-0001a.vhdl s-08-7-0-0002a.vhdl s-08-7-0-0003a.vhdl s-08-7-0-0004a.vhdl Paragraph: rename loop stmts - 8.1.9 --> 8.8 tests: e-08-8-0-0001a.vhdl e-08-8-0-0002a.vhdl e-08-8-0-0003a.vhdl e-08-8-0-0004a.vhdl e-08-8-0-0005a.vhdl e-08-8-0-0006a.vhdl e-08-8-0-0007a.vhdl s-08-8-0-0001a.vhdl s-08-8-0-0002a.vhdl s-08-8-0-0003a.vhdl s-08-8-0-0004a.vhdl Paragraph: rename next stmts - 8.1.1 --> 8.1.a --> 8.9 tests: e-08-9-0-0001a.vhdl e-08-9-0-0002a.vhdl e-08-9-0-0003a.vhdl s-08-9-0-0001a.vhdl s-08-9-0-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename exit stmts - 8.1.11 --> 8.1.b --> 8.10 tests: e-08-10-00001a.vhdl e-08-10-00002a.vhdl e-08-10-00003a.vhdl s-08-10-00001a.vhdl s-08-10-00002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename return stmts - 8.1.12 --> 8.1.c --> 8.11 tests: e-08-11-00001a.vhdl e-08-11-00002a.vhdl e-08-11-00003a.vhdl e-08-11-00004a.vhdl e-08-11-00005a.vhdl e-08-11-00006a.vhdl s-08-11-00001a.vhdl s-08-11-00002a.vhdl s-08-11-00003a.vhdl s-08-11-00004a.vhdl s-08-11-00005a.vhdl Paragraph: rename null stmts - 8.1.13 --> 8.1.d --> 8.12 tests: s-08-12-00001a.vhdl Chapter: 09 Concurrent Statements Paragraph: rename 09-Concurrent Statements - 8.2 --> 9.0 tests: e-09-0-0-0002a.vhdl e-09-0-0-0003a.vhdl s-09-0-0-0001a.vhdl s-09-0-0-0001b.vhdl Paragraph: rename block stmts - 8.2.1 --> 9.1 tests: e-09-1-0-0001a.vhdl e-09-1-0-0002a.vhdl e-09-1-0-0003a.vhdl e-09-1-0-0004a.vhdl e-09-1-0-0005a.vhdl e-09-1-0-0006a.vhdl e-09-1-0-0007a.vhdl s-09-1-0-0001a.vhdl s-09-1-0-0002a.vhdl s-09-1-0-0003a.vhdl s-09-1-0-0004a.vhdl s-09-1-0-0005a.vhdl s-09-1-0-0006a.vhdl s-09-1-0-0007a.vhdl Paragraph: rename process stmts - 8.2.2 --> 9.2 tests: e-09-2-0-0001a.vhdl e-09-2-0-0002a.vhdl e-09-2-0-0003a.vhdl e-09-2-0-0004a.vhdl e-09-2-0-0005a.vhdl s-09-2-0-0001a.vhdl s-09-2-0-0002a.vhdl s-09-2-0-0003a.vhdl Paragraph: rename drivers - --> 9.2.1 tests: Paragraph: rename simulation cycle - --> ? tests: Paragraph: rename assignment of unresolved values to signals - --> ? tests: Paragraph: rename concurrent procedure call - --> 9.3 tests: Paragraph: rename concurrent assertion statement - 8.2.3 --> 9.4 tests: s-09-4-0-0001a.vhdl s-09-4-0-0002a.vhdl s-09-4-0-0003a.vhdl Paragraph: rename concurrent signal assignment stmts - 8.2.4 --> 9.5 tests: e-09-5-0-0001a.vhdl s-09-5-0-0001a.vhdl s-09-5-0-0002a.vhdl s-09-5-0-0003a.vhdl Paragraph: rename conditional signal assignment stmts - --> 9.5.1 tests: e-09-5-1-0001a.vhdl e-09-5-1-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename selected signal assignment stmts - --> 9.5.2 tests: e-09-5-2-0001a.vhdl e-09-5-2-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename component instantiation stmts - 8.2.5 --> 9.6 tests: e-09-6-0-0001a.vhdl e-09-6-0-0002a.vhdl s-09-6-0-0001a.vhdl s-09-6-0-0002a.vhdl s-09-6-0-0003a.vhdl Paragraph: rename generate stmts - 8.2.6 --> 9.7 tests: e-09-7-0-0001a.vhdl e-09-7-0-0002a.vhdl e-09-7-0-0003a.vhdl e-09-7-0-0004a.vhdl e-09-7-0-0005a.vhdl e-09-7-0-0006a.vhdl e-09-7-0-0007a.vhdl e-09-7-0-0008a.vhdl e-09-7-0-0009a.vhdl e-09-7-0-0010a.vhdl s-09-7-0-0001a.vhdl s-09-7-0-0002a.vhdl s-09-7-0-0003a.vhdl s-09-7-0-0004a.vhdl s-09-7-0-0005a.vhdl s-09-7-0-0006a.vhdl s-09-7-0-0007a.vhdl Chapter: 10 Scope and Visibility tests: Not yet available. Chapter: 11 Design Units And Their Analysis tests: Not yet available. Chapter: 12 Elaboration And Execution tests: Not yet available. Chapter: 13 Lexical Elements Paragraph: rename 13-Lexical Elements - Appendix-A --> 13.0 tests: Paragraph: rename Character Set - A.1 --> 13.1 tests: s-13-1-0-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Lexical Elements, Separators, and Delimiters - A.2 --> 13.2 tests: e-13-2-0-0001a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0002a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0003a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0004a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0005a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0006a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0007a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0008a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0009a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0010a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0011a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0012a.vhdl e-13-2-0-0013a.vhdl s-13-2-0-0001a.vhdl s-13-2-0-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Identifiers - A.3 --> 13.3 tests: e-13-3-0-0001a.vhdl e-13-3-0-0002a.vhdl s-13-3-0-0001a.vhdl s-13-3-0-0002a.vhdl s-13-3-0-0003a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Abstract Literals A.4 --> 13.4 tests: e-13-4-0-0001a.vhdl e-13-4-0-0002a.vhdl e-13-4-0-0003a.vhdl s-13-4-0-0001a.vhdl s-13-4-0-0002a.vhdl s-13-4-0-0003a.vhdl s-13-4-0-0004a.vhdl s-13-4-0-0005a.vhdl s-13-4-0-0006a.vhdl s-13-4-0-0007a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Decimal Literals A.4.1 --> 13.4.1 tests: Paragraph: rename Based Literals A.4.2 --> 13.4.2 tests: e-13-4-2-0001a.vhdl e-13-4-2-0002a.vhdl e-13-4-2-0003a.vhdl s-13-4-2-0001a.vhdl s-13-4-2-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Character Literals A.5 --> 13.5 tests: e-13-5-0-0001a.vhdl e-13-5-0-0002a.vhdl s-13-5-0-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: rename String Literals A.6 --> 13.6 tests: e-13-6-0-0001a.vhdl e-13-6-0-0002a.vhdl s-13-6-0-0001a.vhdl s-13-6-0-0002a.vhdl s-13-6-0-0003a.vhdl s-13-6-0-0004a.vhdl s-13-6-0-0005a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Bit String Literals A.7 --> 13.7 tests: e-13-7-0-0001a.vhdl e-13-7-0-0002a.vhdl e-13-7-0-0003a.vhdl s-13-7-0-0001a.vhdl s-13-7-0-0002a.vhdl s-13-7-0-0003a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Comments A.8 --> 13.8 tests: s-13-8-0-0001a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Reserved Words A.9 --> 13.9 tests: e-13-9-0-0001a.vhdl e-13-9-0-0001b.vhdl Paragraph: rename Allowable Replacement of Characters - A.10 --> 13.10 tests: e-13-10-00001a.vhdl e-13-10-00002a.vhdl e-13-10-00003a.vhdl e-13-10-00004a.vhdl s-13-10-00001a.vhdl s-13-10-00002a.vhdl Chapter: 14-Predefined Paragraph: rename Predefined Attributes - B.1 --> 14.1 tests: e-14-1-0-0001a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0002a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0003a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0003b.vhdl e-14-1-0-0004a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0004b.vhdl e-14-1-0-0004c.vhdl e-14-1-0-0005a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0005b.vhdl e-14-1-0-0006a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0007a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0008a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0009a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0010a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0011a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0012a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0013a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0014a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0015a.vhdl e-14-1-0-0016a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0001a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0002a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0003a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0004a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0004b.vhdl s-14-1-0-0005a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0006a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0007a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0007b.vhdl s-14-1-0-0007c.vhdl s-14-1-0-0008a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0009a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0010a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0011a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0012a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0013a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0015a.vhdl s-14-1-0-0015b.vhdl s-14-1-0-0016a.vhdl Paragraph: rename Predefined Types and Subtypes --> Package STANDARD - B.2 --> 14.2 tests: e-14-2-0-0001a.vhdl s-14-2-0-0001a.vhdl s-14-2-0-0002a.vhdl Paragraph: Package TEXTIO: tests: not in 7.2 --> 14.3 -- Steve Grout @ MCC VLSI CAD Program, Austin TX. [512] 343-0860 ARPA: UUCP: {ihnp4,seismo,harvard,gatech,pyramid}!ut-sally!im4u!milano!grout