[comp.lsi] Oct Tool Set Question..........

marco@buengc.BU.EDU (Marco Zelada) (05/29/89)

	This is a question for those of you who have used the Oct tool set from

	I would like to know if anyone could tell me how to do the following:

	I want to create a schematic view of a circuit entered at the BDSYN
level. I am able to get a physical view for it, and according to the docs, I
should be able to get the schematic view from misII if I load the proper 
library ( read_library ~octtools/lib/technology/scmos/gates/gates.genlib ), 
do the mapping ( map ) and write to the oct DB with the schematic view 
( write_oct cell:schematic ). I tried this but could not get anywhere, because
the gates.genlib is not complete and thus the mapping could not be done.

	Any ideas ?

	Could I get a complete gates.genlib file from somewhere ?

	Thanks in advance for any help.
| Name:	 Marco Zelada                     | Tel: 617 353 9882, Fax: 353 6322 |	
| Group: VLSI CAD Research Laboratory     | E-mail: marco@buengc.bu.edu      |	
| Dept:  Electrical & Computer Engineering| US-Mail: 44 Cummington St.	     |
| Org:   Boston University                |	     Boston MA, 02215	     |

ricks@shambhala.Berkeley.EDU (Rick L Spickelmier) (05/30/89)

I can send you a complete gates.genlib (along with instructions
for creating constant 0 and 1 cells) that will allow you to map
a misII network into the schematic symbols (rather than the standard
cell library).  However, we currently have no tool to layout the
schematic and add routing (misII will give you a bunch of schematic
symbols on top of each other with logic connections).  We are
working on one, but I don't expect it to be available for a while.

				Rick Spickelmier
				UC Berkeley CAD Group