[comp.lsi] VHDL, JEDEC, CUPL info wanted

davidb@inmet.inmet.com (04/10/90)

<A VHDL reference manual is
<The VHDL Handbook, David Coelho, Kluwer Publishers, TK7874.C6 1989
<IEEE Standard VHDL Language REfernce Manual

The only "reference manual" is that of the IEEE.  It may be obtained
from the IEEE publications department in Piscataway, NJ: phone
1-800-678-IEEE.  The text cited is good, but not a "reference manual".
Another text, by Lipsett, Schaeffer, and Ussery, is also published by
Kluwer: "VHDL: Hardware Description and Design".  This is more
"language oriented"; its structure follows that of the LRM, where Dave
Coelho's book is more "designer oriented".  ISBN of the Lipsett book
is 0-7923-9030-X.  The address for Kluwer is 101 Phillip Driuve,
Assinippi Park, Norwellm MA 02061.  The JEDEC manual is put out by the
EIA: 2001 Eye Street, Washington, DC 20006: phone (202) 457-4900.  I
have never even heard of the third standard.

Please send Email if this is insufficient, or for more info on VHDL 
texts or training.

						Dave Barton