[comp.lsi] Commercial sources for associative memories?

kaul@icarus.eng.ohio-state.edu (Rich Kaul) (07/28/90)

Does anyone have any sources for vendors/suppliers of associative

Rich Kaul                         | "Do not do unto others as you would that
kaul@icarus.eng.ohio-state.edu    |  they should do unto you.  Their tastes
or ...!osu-cis!kaul		  |  may differ."  -Bernard Shaw

bkoball@cup.portal.com (Bruce R Koball) (07/28/90)

re: Rich Kaul's request fo commercial vendors of associative memories --

Advanced Micro Devices offers a part called the Am99C10. It's a 256 word
by 48-bit content addressable memory chip, available in a variety of pkgs.
It is optimized for LAN address decoding but is general enough to be useful
elsewhere. Each CAM word has a 48-bit register and a 48-bit maskable comparato
allowing a 48-bit input word to be compared against all 256 entries in a
single 100 ns cycle. It also has single and multiple match detection with
priority encoding.

Bruce Koball
Motion West
2210 Sixth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710