[comp.lsi] VHDL Standard Logic Package

elev36@castle.ed.ac.uk (A Tomlinson) (08/14/90)

According to David Coelho's "VHDL Handbook", the Standard Logic Package
described in Ch. 7 of that book is in the public domain.

Does anyone know if this is available from an archive site ?

*  Allan Tomlinson,                         *++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*
*  Department of Electrical Engineering,    *  tel:   031 668 1550 x219  *
*  University of Edinburgh,                 *  fax:   031 662 4678       *
*  The King's Buildings,                    *  email: allan@sari.ed.ac.uk*
*  Edinburgh EH9 3JL                        *++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*