[comp.lsi] Need magic files of channel routings

sganguly@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Shantanu Ganguly) (12/14/90)

I am looking for a few channel routing examples (especially Deutsch's
Diff Example) to try on a channel compactor that I am developing.
My compactor reads  scmos magic files with metal1 and metal2 wires.
Hence I need the layouts in scmos using metal1 and metal2.

Channel descriptions that can be routed with the
magic router are also welcome. The best I have so far is an nmos
example of DDEx that I changed to scmos, and the metal2 wires
as result are all 2 micron wide and cause drc violations.

I will appreciate anyone sending me a few good examples.


Shantanu Ganguly

Syracuse University
