[comp.lsi] Newest versions of Magic 6 and Spice 3

buchs@Mayo.EDU (Kevin J. Buchs) (01/15/91)

Spice 3d1 is shipping.

You can write or call the University of California at Berkeley to get a
catalog with order form for Spice, Magic, and many others.

Software Distribution Office
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Electronics Research Laboratory
479 Cory Hall
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720

(415) 643-6687

Kevin Buchs          Internet: buchs@mayo.edu
Mayo Foundation              Is this my life or is it just an
Rochester, MN 55905          incredible, high-speed, simulation?
(507) 284-0009                         -S. R. Cleaves

mayo@wrl.dec.com (Bob Mayo) (01/15/91)

In article <78757@unix.cis.pitt.edu> andrewl@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Andrew Lentvorski) writes:
>Can anybody tell me what the newest version of magic is?  I have magic
>version 6.3, but I heard something about a resistance extraction bug.
>Is there a newer release which corrects this?  Also, what is the current
>version of Spice 3.  I have Spice 3c1 and recall a spice 3d1 at some

Magic V6.3 is the latest release (and will be for a long time).  However,
updates in the form of individual notes are available via ftp:

    machine:    gatekeeper.dec.com   (
    account:    anonymous
    password:   guest
    directory:  pub/DEC/magic

Here's a list of notes available.  The resistance bug fix you mentioned
might be the one covered by note 13:

Magic Note #1 - 9/14/90 - Magic V6 is ready (a copy of the announcement)
Magic Note #2 - 9/19/90 - Documentation changes (fixed in releases after 9/20/90)
Magic Note #3 - 9/19/90 - Mode problem on graphics files (fixed in releases after 9/20
Magic Note #4 - 9/19/90 - rindex macro for new HPUX releases (7.0 and later)
Magic Note #5 - 9/19/90 - compiling magic using "gcc", one user's experience
Magic Note #6 - 9/19/90 - Public FTP area for Magic notes
Magic Note #7 - 9/20/90 - Compiling rsim, one user's suggestions & hints
Magic Note #8 - 9/26/90 - Magic tries to open bogus directories
Magic Note #9 - 9/26/90 - Mods to X11Helper to prevent core dump if run under shell
Magic Note #10 - 10/5/90 - Magic V4 for DOS and OS/2
Magic Note #11 - 10/11/90 - reducing memory usage by 600k
Magic Note #12 - 12/19/90 - fixes bug in extflat that caused dropped resistances
Magic Note #13 - 12/19/90 - fixed bug in resis that caused coredump.
Magic Note #14 - 12/19/90 - new version of scmos.tech to support res extraction.
Magic Note #15 - 12/19/90 - contact line in tech file improperly documented

As far as SPICE and other Berkeley tools, you may contact:

    Cindy Manly-Fields
    ILP Software Distribution Office
    479 Cory Hall
    University of California
    Berkeley, CA 94720
    Phone: 415-643-6687
