[comp.lsi] VLSI 91 Call

mikef@lfcs.edinburgh.ac.UK (Mike Fourman) (02/15/91)


                         CALL FOR PAPERS

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                        August 20-22, 1991
                        Edinburgh, Scotland

                 General Chairman: Iann Barron (UK)

VLSI 91 continues the tradition of the previous series of VLSI Conferences
organised under the auspices of IFIP Working Group 10.5 and will provide a
dynamic forum in which VLSI researchers can present their latest results.
The conference takes place in Edinburgh, Scotland, during the Edinburgh
International Festival.  There will be abundant social possibilities to
complement the technical programme, tutorials, exhibitions and demonstrations
as a result.  The event is supported by the Scottish Development Agency.

Keynote Speakers will include: Iann Barron (UK), Mitsumasa Koyanagi (Japan)
and Richard Newton (USA).

Technical papers advancing the understanding and development of VLSI
techniques are solicited within the foillowing themes.  All papers will
be refereed by an international panel of experts.

Design Methods: system level design, frameworks, design
                & interchange languages, formal techniques.

Design Automation Tools: high level synthesis, logic synthesis
                & optimisation, physical design, floorplanning
                & routing, compaction, simulation & verification.

Architectures: parallel & array architectures, configurable systems,
               novel chip architectures, WSI, high speed structures.

Applications: DSP, image processing, neural networks, A/D interfaces,
              impact of new fabrication and packaging technologies.

Papers (6 copies) should be submitted to:

         Prof. Arne Halaas
         Div. of Computer Science & Telematics
         University of Trondheim
         Norwegian Institute of Technology/NTH
         N-7034 Trondheim
         fax: +47 7 594466

Papers should not exceed 10 pages of A4 including illustrations and
references.  An additional cover page should give author names,
affiliations, addresses, telephone/fax numbers, e-mail address and
identification of main author.

Last date for submission: 28th February 1991
Notification of acceptance: 22nd April 1991
Camera-ready copy by: 20th May 1991

Programme Committee: G. Birtwistle (Canada), P.B. Denyer (UK), M. Fourman (UK),
C.E. Goutis (Greece), J.P. Gray (UK), A. Halaas (Norway), S. Michaelson (UK),
P. Michel (UK),  S. Murai (Japan), T. Nishimukai (Japan),  G. Saucier (France),
C.H. Sequin (USA),  J. Staunstrup (Denmark), T. Yanagawa (Japan).

Tutorials (August 19) :

VHDL : Robert Kupyn, CLSI
Mechanized Reasoning and Hardware Design : Mike Gordon (Cambridge)
Compiling Silicon from Processing Descriptions : Alain Martin (Caltech)
High level synthesis : Richard Newton (Berkeley)

Exhibition :

An exhibition of the latest commercial products and services of interest to
VLSI workers is being held in association with the conference and located in
the main concourse of the confenence venue.  Potential exhibitors not otherwise
circulated can obtain details from the conference secretariat.  Meeting and
presentation rooms will also be available to exhibitors.  It is intended to
publish a timetable of vendor presentations with the conference programme.


Facilities will be available for conference authors to demonstrate the
systems resulting from their work.  A range of workstations will be provided
for the purpose.  Non-authors are also encouraged to demonstrate the current
status of their research.  Space will be available for posters.

Chip Art Exhibition :

Integrated circuits can be seen as wonders of modern technology.  They can
also be looked upon as works of art in miniature.  Designers are invited to
submit integrated circuits for a chip art contest.  Designs will be displayed
to the public during the Edinburgh International Festival and prizes will
awarded to those adjudged the best.  A wall-mounted montage of an enlarged
layout of the chip, the silicon itself and a description of the function of
the chip in less than 100 words must be available for display by 31st July 1991.

Edinburgh International Festival : 11th - 31st August 1991

Now in its 45th year, the Edinburgh Festival is renowned as the largest
festival of the arts in the world.  The ``Official'' Festival which includes
an international programme of Opera, Orchestral Music, Theatre, Dance and
Fine Art performed by leading artists from all over the world is complemented
by the famous Fringe Festival.  Over 1000 shows from student comedians to the
latest experimental drama.  Many of the household names of Television and
Theatre have started their careers at the Edinburgh Fringe which can be relied
upon to provide entertainment for all tastes.  Also associated with these
events is the world's oldest Film Festival, a Jazz Festival and a Television
Festival.  The spectacle of the Edinburgh Tattoo will also appeal to many.


CEP Consultants Ltd
26-28 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3QH

tel. +44 31 557 2478
fax. +44 31 557 5749
