lazzaro@tigger.1 (John Lazzaro) (04/18/91)
Caltech VLSI CAD Tool Distribution ---------------------------------- We are offering to the Internet community a pre-release version of the Caltech electronic CAD system for analog VLSI neural networks. This distribution contains tools for schematic capture, netlist creation, and analog and digital simulation (log), IC mask layout, extraction, and DRC (wol), simple chip compilation (wolcomp), MOSIS fabrication request generation (mosis), netlist comparison (netcmp), data plotting (view) and postscript graphics editing (until). These tools were used exclusively for the design and test of all the integrated circuits described in Carver Mead's book "Analog VLSI and Neural Systems". Until was used as the primary tool for figure creation for the book. The distribution also contains an example of an analog VLSI chip that was designed and fabricated with these tools, and an example of an Actel field-programmable gate array design that was simulated and converted to Actel format with these tools. These tools are distributed under a license very similar to the GNU license; the minor changes protect Caltech from liability. To use these tools, you need: 1) A unix workstation that runs X11r3, X11r4, or Openwindows 2) A color screen 3) Gcc or other ANSI-standard compiler Right now only Sun Sparcstations are officially supported, although resourceful users have the tools running on Sun 3, HP Series 300, and Decstations. If don't have a Sparcstation or an HP 300, only take the package if you feel confident in your C/Unix abilities to do the porting required; someday soon we will integrate the changes back into the sources officially, although many "ifdef mips" are already in the code. If you are interested in some or all of these tools, 1) ftp to on the Internet, if possible not during 9AM-5PM Pacific Standard Time 2) log in as anonymous and use your username as the password 3) cd ~ftp/pub/chipmunk 4) copy the file README, that contains more information. European researchers can access these files through anonymous ftp using the machine in Norway; the files are in the directory chipmunk. We are unable to help users who do not have Internet ftp access. -- John Lazzaro {seismo,rutgers,ames}!cit-vax!lazzaro