steve@ee.pitt.edu (Dr. Steven Levitan) (05/05/91)

                         THE THIRD PHYSICAL DESIGN
                 Module Generation and Silicon Compilation
         Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA
                              May 20-22, 1991
                          Sponsored by ACM SIGDA
            In cooperation with The IEEE Computer Society DATC

You are invited to participate in the Physical Design Workshop sponsored by
ACM SIGDA to be held at The Nemacolin Woodlands Conference Center in the
Laurel Highlands outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 20-22, 1991.
Presentations will focus on Integrated circuit physical design with
emphasis on recent developments in module generation and silicon
compilation.  Presented papers will be collected and distributed at the
workshop as a limited distribution Proceedings.  To facilitate comparison
of results a set of standard benchmark circuits have been distributed.
Please contact the Workshop Benchmark Chair to obtain more information
about the benchmarks for the workshop.  If you wish to participate in the
benchmarking competition, please inform the Workshop Benchmark Chair by May
1, 1991. Since the workshop will be limited in the number of attendees,
please register early.

Antun Domic     Mary Jane Irwin    Dwight Hill        Steven Levitan
HLO2-3/J3       333 Whitmore Lab   AT&T Bell Labs     348 Benedum Hall
DEC             Dept. of CS        600 Mountain Ave.  Dept. of EE
77 Reed Rd.     Penn State Univ.   Murray Hill, NJ    Univ. of Pittsburgh
Hudson,MA 01749 Univ. Park,PA 16802           07974   Pittsburgh,PA 15261
                mji@cs.psu.edu                        levitan@ee.pitt.edu
domic@cadsys.dec.com               dwight@allegra.att.com   

                          PROGRAM COMMITTEE
Jon Allen, MIT                  Robert Owens, Penn State
Robi Dutta, DEC                 Bryan Preas, Xerox PARC
Dan Gajski, UC, Irvine          Carl Sechen, Yale
Dwight Hill, AT&T Bell Labs     Carlo Sequin, UC, Berkeley
Robert P. Larsen, Rockwell      Steve Sugiyama, Seattle Silicon
              Margaret Marek-Sadowska, UC, Santa Barbara

Local Information:
The workshop will be held at The Nemacolin Woodlands Conference Center in
the Laurel Highlands a two hour drive from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The
Conference Center is adjacent to the Woodlands Inn, the Woodlands Spa (must
be 18 years and older), golf course, hiking trails, tennis courts, indoor
and outdoor pools. Nemacolin is located near "Fallingwater", the Frank
Lloyd Wright designed home. Also close by are Fort Necessity, the site of
the opening battle of the French and Indian War, and Ohiopyle, a center for
white water rafting on the Youghiogheny River.

Air Transportation:
USAir is providing special fares to participants of the workshop for travel
to and from Pittsburgh between May 17-25; 5% off any published USAir
promotional round trip fare in the continental US or 35% off standard round
trip day coach fares, some exclusions apply. There are similar discounts
for travel from Canada. Call USAir for details: 1-800-334-8644 in the
continental US, and 1-800-428-4322 (ext.7702) in Canada. Refer to USAir
"Gold File" Number: 788517

Local Transportation To Nemacolin:
Driving from the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport: exit
the airport toward Pittsburgh on Route 60 south.  Take Route 60 to
Interstate 79 South.  I-79 South to Interstate 70 East.  I-70 east to Route
51 south.  Route 51 south to Route 40 east.  The entrance to Nemacolin is
on the left, shortly after you pass the intersection with Route 381.

Shuttle Van: Nemacolin Woodlands will be providing shuttle vans between the
Greater Pittsburgh International Airport and Nemacolin.  Shuttle vans cost
$15 each way per person.  If you want to take this shuttle van, you must
indicate your interest on the hotel registration form and call Nemacolin
guest services at (412)329-6170 to confirm your flight arrival time before
May 6th.

Conference registration includes a copy of the proceedings, meals, and
coffee breaks.  Guest registration includes all meals.  Nemacolin is
reserving a block of rooms until May 6th. A limited number of each room
type is available.  Requests will be filled on a first-come basis.  After
May 6th or for special arrangements, you may call Ms. Maureen Bridge at
Nemacolin (412) 329-6125 for reservations.  For normal reservations and
conference registration please fill out both the hotel and conference
registration forms below and return both forms to ACM by May 1st.

Sunday, May 19
6:00- 9:00      Reception and Registration
Monday, May 20
7:00- 8:30      Breakfast and Registration
8:30-10:00      Session 1- Macrocell Generation - Robert Owens
-An Efficient Layout Style for 2-Metal CMOS Leaf Cells, C-Y Hwang, Y-C
 Hsieh, Y-L Lin, and Y-C Hsu, Dept. of Computer Science, Tsing Hua Univ.,
-A Two Dimensional Gate Matrix Module Generator, S. Kim and Robert Owens,
 Dept. of Comp. Sci., Penn State Univ.
-Module Generation of GaAs Cells, Michael Upton, Thomas Huff and Richard
 Brown, EECS, Univ. of Michigan and Mark Rossman and Richard Oettel, Seattle
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-12:00     Session 2 - Special Purpose Module Generators - Jon Allen
-SIERA: A CAD Environment for Real-Time Systems, Jane Sun, Mani Srivastava,
 and Robert Brodersen, EECS, Univ.  of California at Berkeley
-VANDA: Visual Analysis and Design Automation System, Rajeev Jain, Dept. of
 Elec. Engr., Univ. of California at Los Angeles
12:00- 1:00     Lunch
1:00- 3:30      Session 3 - Exp. with Silicon Compilation - Robert Larsen
-Designing Commercial DSPs with Silicon Compilers, David Thomas, Texas
-Silicon Compilation of GaAs Read-Out Devices, R.H. Hwang, V. Martin, and
 J. Thomas, Aerojet General
-Silicon Compilation of DSP Functions, T. Yoshino, L. Liu, K. Chau, et.al.,
 VLSI Design Lab
-The Silicon Compiler as a Tool for Teaching Microelectronics Systems
 Design, Richard Brown, EECS, Univ. of Michigan
3:30- 4:00      Break
4:00- 5:30      Session 4 - Panel: Module Generation versus Standard Cell
                - Robert Owens
6:00- 8:00      Dinner
8:00- 9:30      Session 5 - Benchmarking Poster Presentations - Dwight Hill
Tuesday, May 21
7:00- 8:30      Breakfast
8:30-10:00      Session 6 - Timing Driven Layout - Margaret Marek-Sadowska
-An Efficient Network Opt. Alg. for Performance Driven Synthesis, Arvind
 Srinivasan and Earnest Kuh, EECS, Univ. of California at Berkeley
-Timing Driven Placement by Analytic Net Weighting, R-S Tsay, IBM, T.J.
 Watson, USA and Juergen Koehl, IBM, Germany
-Efficient and Accurate Annotation of ECL Designs, X-M Xiong and Chiu,
 Applied Micro Circuits
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-11:30     Session 7 - Design of Field Programmable Logic - Bryan Preas
-A CAD System for the Design of FPGA's, Dwight Hill, AT&T Bell Labs
12:00- 1:00     Lunch
1:00- 3:30      Session 8 - Physical Design Tool Synergy - Carlo Sequin
-Evaluation Driven Layout Synthesis from RT Schematics, Allen Wu and Dan
 Gajski, Info. and Computer Science Dept., Univ. of California at Irvine
-Exploring Nonsequential Tool Interation Strategies, Glenn Adams and Carlo
 Sequin, EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley
-Comparisons between Standard Cell and Custom Layout, D. Koslow, S.
 Levitin, and S. Wiggins, DEC
-Logic Synthesis Methods for Custom Layout, Nels VanderZanden, Allen Wu,
 and Dan Gajski, Info. and Computer Science Dept., Univ. of California at
3:30- 4:00      Break
4:00- 5:30      Session 9 - Panel: Is there a Future for Research on
                Physical Design ? - Carlo Sequin
6:00- 8:00      Dinner
Wednesday, May 22
7:00- 8:30      Breakfast
8:30-10:00      Session 10 - Macrocell Placement - Steve Sugiyama
-Macrocell Placement based on a Rectangular Dual Representation, M. Fujita,
 Y. Tamiya, T. Kakuda, and Y.  Matsunaga, AI Lab, Fujitsu, Japan
-Macroblock Placement using Efficient 2-D Compaction, P-S Tzeng and Carlo
 Sequin, EECS, Univ. of California at Berkeley
-Heuristic Algorithms for Simultaneous Partitioning, Floor Planning and
 Placement of Mixed Standard Cells and Macroblocks, Gershon Kedem and
 Jitendra Apte, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-12:00     Session 11 - Layout from VHDL - Dan Gajski
-Verilog to Layout Using High-Level Synthesis, L. Arnstein, Dept. of Comp.
 Engr., CMU and T. Fuhrman, GM Research
-Architectural Synthesis via VHDL, S. Levitan, Y. Hsieh, A. Martello, Dept.
 of Elec. Engr., Univ. of Pittsburgh and B.JPangrle, Dept. of Computer
 Science, Penn State University
-Synthesis in VSS, Dan Gajski, Info. and Comp. Science Dept., Univ. of
 California at Irvine

Registration and Hotel Reservation Forms:
Send BOTH forms to: ACM/Physical Design Workshop Registation, ACM 11
West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, Attn: Rachael Robins. If paying
by credit card you may FAX the registration forms to Rachael Robins at
(212) 302-5826. Cancellations for refunds must be in writing and
received at ACM by Rachael Robins by May 8th, 1991. For more
registration information contact Rachael Robins at ACM (212) 869-7440
extension 347, or e-mail: meetings@acmvm.bitnet

|                                                                    |
|                           Registration Form                        |
|                                                                    |
|                    ACM/SIGDA THIRD PHYSICAL DESIGN                 |
|                                WORKSHOP                            |
|        Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA    |
|                             May 20-22, 1991                        |
|                                                                    |
| First Name:_______________________ Last Name:_____________________ |
| Company/Institution:______________________________________________ |
| Address:__________________________________________________________ |
| City:_____________State:_________PostalCode:_______ Country:______ |
| E-Mail:___________________ Phone:_________________ FAX:___________ |
|                                                                    |
|                                   FEES                             |
|                           Before May 1           After May 1       |
| ACM/SIGDA or IEEE Member      $350                    $400         |
| Non-Member                    $425                    $475         |
|   (check one)                                                      |
| ACM__     IEEE__      Member Number:______________________________ |
|  Guest Registration (includes all meals) #Tickets______x $190 _____|
|  Total Fees (US $ Only):_______________                            |
| (please make all checks payable to ACM/Physical Design Workshop)   |
|  Payment Form (check one)  AMEX__ Mastercard__ Visa__  Check__     |
|                                                                    |
| Credit Card#:______________________ Exp. Date:____________________ |
| Signature:________________________________________________________ |
|                                                                    |
|                      --- send this form to ACM ---                 |

|                                                                    |
|                         Hotel Reservation Form                     |
|                                                                    |
|                    ACM/SIGDA THIRD PHYSICAL DESIGN                 |
|                                WORKSHOP                            |
|        Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA    |
|                             May 20-22, 1991                        |
|                                                                    |
| Name:_____________________________________________________________ |
| Address:__________________________________________________________ |
| __________________________________________________________________ |
| __________________________________________________________________ |
| Phone:_______________________                                      |
| Arrival Date:________________                                      |
| Departure Date:______________                                      |
| Airport Arrival Time:________                                      |
| Flight Number:_______________                                      |
|        Shuttle Bus - $15 each way                                  |
| # persons for shuttle bus:___                                      |
|                                                                    |
| Type of Credit Card:          Hotel Room Choices:                  |
|  American Express___          (only a limited number of each type) |
|  Visa            ___          single room @$54/night       ___     |
|  Master Card     ___          double room @$58/night       ___     |
| Card Number:______________    2 bedrm condo @$104/night    ___     |
| Expiration Date:__________    double suite @$104/night     ___     |
| Signature:________________    double penthouse @$168/night ___     |
|                                                                    |
|                  --- send this form to ACM too ---                 |

Steven P. Levitan
Department of Electrical Engineering
348 Benedum Engineering Hall
University of Pittsburgh, 15261
(412) 648-9663 FAX: 624-1108
Internet: steve@ee.pitt.edu
BITNET: levitan@pittvms

From: steve@ee.pitt.edu (Dr. Steven Levitan)
Path: ee.pitt.edu!steve
Newsgroups: news.announce.conferences comp.lsi comp.lsi.cad comp.lang.vhdl
Distribution: world
Organization: Univ. of Pittsburgh, Elec. Eng. Dept.
Keywords:physical design, module generation, synthesis, silicon compilation 

                         THE THIRD PHYSICAL DESIGN
                 Module Generation and Silicon Compilation
         Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA
                              May 20-22, 1991
                          Sponsored by ACM SIGDA
            In cooperation with The IEEE Computer Society DATC

You are invited to participate in the Physical Design Workshop sponsored by
ACM SIGDA to be held at The Nemacolin Woodlands Conference Center in the
Laurel Highlands outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 20-22, 1991.
Presentations will focus on Integrated circuit physical design with
emphasis on recent developments in module generation and silicon
compilation.  Presented papers will be collected and distributed at the
workshop as a limited distribution Proceedings.  To facilitate comparison
of results a set of standard benchmark circuits have been distributed.
Please contact the Workshop Benchmark Chair to obtain more information
about the benchmarks for the workshop.  If you wish to participate in the
benchmarking competition, please inform the Workshop Benchmark Chair by May
1, 1991. Since the workshop will be limited in the number of attendees,
please register early.

Antun Domic     Mary Jane Irwin    Dwight Hill        Steven Levitan
HLO2-3/J3       333 Whitmore Lab   AT&T Bell Labs     348 Benedum Hall
DEC             Dept. of CS        600 Mountain Ave.  Dept. of EE
77 Reed Rd.     Penn State Univ.   Murray Hill, NJ    Univ. of Pittsburgh
Hudson,MA 01749 Univ. Park,PA 16802           07974   Pittsburgh,PA 15261
                mji@cs.psu.edu                        levitan@ee.pitt.edu
domic@cadsys.dec.com               dwight@allegra.att.com   

                          PROGRAM COMMITTEE
Jon Allen, MIT                  Robert Owens, Penn State
Robi Dutta, DEC                 Bryan Preas, Xerox PARC
Dan Gajski, UC, Irvine          Carl Sechen, Yale
Dwight Hill, AT&T Bell Labs     Carlo Sequin, UC, Berkeley
Robert P. Larsen, Rockwell      Steve Sugiyama, Seattle Silicon
              Margaret Marek-Sadowska, UC, Santa Barbara

Local Information:
The workshop will be held at The Nemacolin Woodlands Conference Center in
the Laurel Highlands a two hour drive from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The
Conference Center is adjacent to the Woodlands Inn, the Woodlands Spa (must
be 18 years and older), golf course, hiking trails, tennis courts, indoor
and outdoor pools. Nemacolin is located near "Fallingwater", the Frank
Lloyd Wright designed home. Also close by are Fort Necessity, the site of
the opening battle of the French and Indian War, and Ohiopyle, a center for
white water rafting on the Youghiogheny River.

Air Transportation:
USAir is providing special fares to participants of the workshop for travel
to and from Pittsburgh between May 17-25; 5% off any published USAir
promotional round trip fare in the continental US or 35% off standard round
trip day coach fares, some exclusions apply. There are similar discounts
for travel from Canada. Call USAir for details: 1-800-334-8644 in the
continental US, and 1-800-428-4322 (ext.7702) in Canada. Refer to USAir
"Gold File" Number: 788517

Local Transportation To Nemacolin:
Driving from the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport: exit
the airport toward Pittsburgh on Route 60 south.  Take Route 60 to
Interstate 79 South.  I-79 South to Interstate 70 East.  I-70 east to Route
51 south.  Route 51 south to Route 40 east.  The entrance to Nemacolin is
on the left, shortly after you pass the intersection with Route 381.

Shuttle Van: Nemacolin Woodlands will be providing shuttle vans between the
Greater Pittsburgh International Airport and Nemacolin.  Shuttle vans cost
$15 each way per person.  If you want to take this shuttle van, you must
indicate your interest on the hotel registration form and call Nemacolin
guest services at (412)329-6170 to confirm your flight arrival time before
May 6th.

Conference registration includes a copy of the proceedings, meals, and
coffee breaks.  Guest registration includes all meals.  Nemacolin is
reserving a block of rooms until May 6th. A limited number of each room
type is available.  Requests will be filled on a first-come basis.  After
May 6th or for special arrangements, you may call Ms. Maureen Bridge at
Nemacolin (412) 329-6125 for reservations.  For normal reservations and
conference registration please fill out both the hotel and conference
registration forms below and return both forms to ACM by May 1st.

Sunday, May 19
6:00- 9:00      Reception and Registration
Monday, May 20
7:00- 8:30      Breakfast and Registration
8:30-10:00      Session 1- Macrocell Generation - Robert Owens
-An Efficient Layout Style for 2-Metal CMOS Leaf Cells, C-Y Hwang, Y-C
 Hsieh, Y-L Lin, and Y-C Hsu, Dept. of Computer Science, Tsing Hua Univ.,
-A Two Dimensional Gate Matrix Module Generator, S. Kim and Robert Owens,
 Dept. of Comp. Sci., Penn State Univ.
-Module Generation of GaAs Cells, Michael Upton, Thomas Huff and Richard
 Brown, EECS, Univ. of Michigan and Mark Rossman and Richard Oettel, Seattle
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-12:00     Session 2 - Special Purpose Module Generators - Jon Allen
-SIERA: A CAD Environment for Real-Time Systems, Jane Sun, Mani Srivastava,
 and Robert Brodersen, EECS, Univ.  of California at Berkeley
-VANDA: Visual Analysis and Design Automation System, Rajeev Jain, Dept. of
 Elec. Engr., Univ. of California at Los Angeles
12:00- 1:00     Lunch
1:00- 3:30      Session 3 - Exp. with Silicon Compilation - Robert Larsen
-Designing Commercial DSPs with Silicon Compilers, David Thomas, Texas
-Silicon Compilation of GaAs Read-Out Devices, R.H. Hwang, V. Martin, and
 J. Thomas, Aerojet General
-Silicon Compilation of DSP Functions, T. Yoshino, L. Liu, K. Chau, et.al.,
 VLSI Design Lab
-The Silicon Compiler as a Tool for Teaching Microelectronics Systems
 Design, Richard Brown, EECS, Univ. of Michigan
3:30- 4:00      Break
4:00- 5:30      Session 4 - Panel: Module Generation versus Standard Cell
                - Robert Owens
6:00- 8:00      Dinner
8:00- 9:30      Session 5 - Benchmarking Poster Presentations - Dwight Hill
Tuesday, May 21
7:00- 8:30      Breakfast
8:30-10:00      Session 6 - Timing Driven Layout - Margaret Marek-Sadowska
-An Efficient Network Opt. Alg. for Performance Driven Synthesis, Arvind
 Srinivasan and Earnest Kuh, EECS, Univ. of California at Berkeley
-Timing Driven Placement by Analytic Net Weighting, R-S Tsay, IBM, T.J.
 Watson, USA and Juergen Koehl, IBM, Germany
-Efficient and Accurate Annotation of ECL Designs, X-M Xiong and Chiu,
 Applied Micro Circuits
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-11:30     Session 7 - Design of Field Programmable Logic - Bryan Preas
-A CAD System for the Design of FPGA's, Dwight Hill, AT&T Bell Labs
12:00- 1:00     Lunch
1:00- 3:30      Session 8 - Physical Design Tool Synergy - Carlo Sequin
-Evaluation Driven Layout Synthesis from RT Schematics, Allen Wu and Dan
 Gajski, Info. and Computer Science Dept., Univ. of California at Irvine
-Exploring Nonsequential Tool Interation Strategies, Glenn Adams and Carlo
 Sequin, EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley
-Comparisons between Standard Cell and Custom Layout, D. Koslow, S.
 Levitin, and S. Wiggins, DEC
-Logic Synthesis Methods for Custom Layout, Nels VanderZanden, Allen Wu,
 and Dan Gajski, Info. and Computer Science Dept., Univ. of California at
3:30- 4:00      Break
4:00- 5:30      Session 9 - Panel: Is there a Future for Research on
                Physical Design ? - Carlo Sequin
6:00- 8:00      Dinner
Wednesday, May 22
7:00- 8:30      Breakfast
8:30-10:00      Session 10 - Macrocell Placement - Steve Sugiyama
-Macrocell Placement based on a Rectangular Dual Representation, M. Fujita,
 Y. Tamiya, T. Kakuda, and Y.  Matsunaga, AI Lab, Fujitsu, Japan
-Macroblock Placement using Efficient 2-D Compaction, P-S Tzeng and Carlo
 Sequin, EECS, Univ. of California at Berkeley
-Heuristic Algorithms for Simultaneous Partitioning, Floor Planning and
 Placement of Mixed Standard Cells and Macroblocks, Gershon Kedem and
 Jitendra Apte, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-12:00     Session 11 - Layout from VHDL - Dan Gajski
-Verilog to Layout Using High-Level Synthesis, L. Arnstein, Dept. of Comp.
 Engr., CMU and T. Fuhrman, GM Research
-Architectural Synthesis via VHDL, S. Levitan, Y. Hsieh, A. Martello, Dept.
 of Elec. Engr., Univ. of Pittsburgh and B.JPangrle, Dept. of Computer
 Science, Penn State University
-Synthesis in VSS, Dan Gajski, Info. and Comp. Science Dept., Univ. of
 California at Irvine

Registration and Hotel Reservation Forms:
Send BOTH forms to: ACM/Physical Design Workshop Registation, ACM 11
West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, Attn: Rachael Robins. If paying
by credit card you may FAX the registration forms to Rachael Robins at
(212) 302-5826. Cancellations for refunds must be in writing and
received at ACM by Rachael Robins by May 8th, 1991. For more
registration information contact Rachael Robins at ACM (212) 869-7440
extension 347, or e-mail: meetings@acmvm.bitnet

|                                                                    |
|                           Registration Form                        |
|                                                                    |
|                    ACM/SIGDA THIRD PHYSICAL DESIGN                 |
|                                WORKSHOP                            |
|        Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA    |
|                             May 20-22, 1991                        |
|                                                                    |
| First Name:_______________________ Last Name:_____________________ |
| Company/Institution:______________________________________________ |
| Address:__________________________________________________________ |
| City:_____________State:_________PostalCode:_______ Country:______ |
| E-Mail:___________________ Phone:_________________ FAX:___________ |
|                                                                    |
|                                   FEES                             |
|                           Before May 1           After May 1       |
| ACM/SIGDA or IEEE Member      $350                    $400         |
| Non-Member                    $425                    $475         |
|   (check one)                                                      |
| ACM__     IEEE__      Member Number:______________________________ |
|  Guest Registration (includes all meals) #Tickets______x $190 _____|
|  Total Fees (US $ Only):_______________                            |
| (please make all checks payable to ACM/Physical Design Workshop)   |
|  Payment Form (check one)  AMEX__ Mastercard__ Visa__  Check__     |
|                                                                    |
| Credit Card#:______________________ Exp. Date:____________________ |
| Signature:________________________________________________________ |
|                                                                    |
|                      --- send this form to ACM ---                 |

|                                                                    |
|                         Hotel Reservation Form                     |
|                                                                    |
|                    ACM/SIGDA THIRD PHYSICAL DESIGN                 |
|                                WORKSHOP                            |
|        Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA    |
|                             May 20-22, 1991                        |
|                                                                    |
| Name:_____________________________________________________________ |
| Address:__________________________________________________________ |
| __________________________________________________________________ |
| __________________________________________________________________ |
| Phone:_______________________                                      |
| Arrival Date:________________                                      |
| Departure Date:______________                                      |
| Airport Arrival Time:________                                      |
| Flight Number:_______________                                      |
|        Shuttle Bus - $15 each way                                  |
| # persons for shuttle bus:___                                      |
|                                                                    |
| Type of Credit Card:          Hotel Room Choices:                  |
|  American Express___          (only a limited number of each type) |
|  Visa            ___          single room @$54/night       ___     |
|  Master Card     ___          double room @$58/night       ___     |
| Card Number:______________    2 bedrm condo @$104/night    ___     |
| Expiration Date:__________    double suite @$104/night     ___     |
| Signature:________________    double penthouse @$168/night ___     |
|                                                                    |
|                  --- send this form to ACM too ---                 |

Steven P. Levitan
Department of Electrical Engineering
348 Benedum Engineering Hall
University of Pittsburgh, 15261
(412) 648-9663 FAX: 624-1108
Internet: steve@ee.pitt.edu
BITNET: levitan@pittvms

From: steve@ee.pitt.edu (Dr. Steven Levitan)
Path: ee.pitt.edu!steve
Newsgroups: news.announce.conferences 
Distribution: world
Organization: Univ. of Pittsburgh, Elec. Eng. Dept.
Keywords:physical design, module generation, synthesis, silicon compilation 

                         THE THIRD PHYSICAL DESIGN
                 Module Generation and Silicon Compilation
         Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA
                              May 20-22, 1991
                          Sponsored by ACM SIGDA
            In cooperation with The IEEE Computer Society DATC

You are invited to participate in the Physical Design Workshop sponsored by
ACM SIGDA to be held at The Nemacolin Woodlands Conference Center in the
Laurel Highlands outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 20-22, 1991.
Presentations will focus on Integrated circuit physical design with
emphasis on recent developments in module generation and silicon
compilation.  Presented papers will be collected and distributed at the
workshop as a limited distribution Proceedings.  To facilitate comparison
of results a set of standard benchmark circuits have been distributed.
Please contact the Workshop Benchmark Chair to obtain more information
about the benchmarks for the workshop.  If you wish to participate in the
benchmarking competition, please inform the Workshop Benchmark Chair by May
1, 1991. Since the workshop will be limited in the number of attendees,
please register early.

Antun Domic     Mary Jane Irwin    Dwight Hill        Steven Levitan
HLO2-3/J3       333 Whitmore Lab   AT&T Bell Labs     348 Benedum Hall
DEC             Dept. of CS        600 Mountain Ave.  Dept. of EE
77 Reed Rd.     Penn State Univ.   Murray Hill, NJ    Univ. of Pittsburgh
Hudson,MA 01749 Univ. Park,PA 16802           07974   Pittsburgh,PA 15261
                mji@cs.psu.edu                        levitan@ee.pitt.edu
domic@cadsys.dec.com               dwight@allegra.att.com   

                          PROGRAM COMMITTEE
Jon Allen, MIT                  Robert Owens, Penn State
Robi Dutta, DEC                 Bryan Preas, Xerox PARC
Dan Gajski, UC, Irvine          Carl Sechen, Yale
Dwight Hill, AT&T Bell Labs     Carlo Sequin, UC, Berkeley
Robert P. Larsen, Rockwell      Steve Sugiyama, Seattle Silicon
              Margaret Marek-Sadowska, UC, Santa Barbara

Local Information:
The workshop will be held at The Nemacolin Woodlands Conference Center in
the Laurel Highlands a two hour drive from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The
Conference Center is adjacent to the Woodlands Inn, the Woodlands Spa (must
be 18 years and older), golf course, hiking trails, tennis courts, indoor
and outdoor pools. Nemacolin is located near "Fallingwater", the Frank
Lloyd Wright designed home. Also close by are Fort Necessity, the site of
the opening battle of the French and Indian War, and Ohiopyle, a center for
white water rafting on the Youghiogheny River.

Air Transportation:
USAir is providing special fares to participants of the workshop for travel
to and from Pittsburgh between May 17-25; 5% off any published USAir
promotional round trip fare in the continental US or 35% off standard round
trip day coach fares, some exclusions apply. There are similar discounts
for travel from Canada. Call USAir for details: 1-800-334-8644 in the
continental US, and 1-800-428-4322 (ext.7702) in Canada. Refer to USAir
"Gold File" Number: 788517

Local Transportation To Nemacolin:
Driving from the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport: exit
the airport toward Pittsburgh on Route 60 south.  Take Route 60 to
Interstate 79 South.  I-79 South to Interstate 70 East.  I-70 east to Route
51 south.  Route 51 south to Route 40 east.  The entrance to Nemacolin is
on the left, shortly after you pass the intersection with Route 381.

Shuttle Van: Nemacolin Woodlands will be providing shuttle vans between the
Greater Pittsburgh International Airport and Nemacolin.  Shuttle vans cost
$15 each way per person.  If you want to take this shuttle van, you must
indicate your interest on the hotel registration form and call Nemacolin
guest services at (412)329-6170 to confirm your flight arrival time before
May 6th.

Conference registration includes a copy of the proceedings, meals, and
coffee breaks.  Guest registration includes all meals.  Nemacolin is
reserving a block of rooms until May 6th. A limited number of each room
type is available.  Requests will be filled on a first-come basis.  After
May 6th or for special arrangements, you may call Ms. Maureen Bridge at
Nemacolin (412) 329-6125 for reservations.  For normal reservations and
conference registration please fill out both the hotel and conference
registration forms below and return both forms to ACM by May 1st.

Sunday, May 19
6:00- 9:00      Reception and Registration
Monday, May 20
7:00- 8:30      Breakfast and Registration
8:30-10:00      Session 1- Macrocell Generation - Robert Owens
-An Efficient Layout Style for 2-Metal CMOS Leaf Cells, C-Y Hwang, Y-C
 Hsieh, Y-L Lin, and Y-C Hsu, Dept. of Computer Science, Tsing Hua Univ.,
-A Two Dimensional Gate Matrix Module Generator, S. Kim and Robert Owens,
 Dept. of Comp. Sci., Penn State Univ.
-Module Generation of GaAs Cells, Michael Upton, Thomas Huff and Richard
 Brown, EECS, Univ. of Michigan and Mark Rossman and Richard Oettel, Seattle
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-12:00     Session 2 - Special Purpose Module Generators - Jon Allen
-SIERA: A CAD Environment for Real-Time Systems, Jane Sun, Mani Srivastava,
 and Robert Brodersen, EECS, Univ.  of California at Berkeley
-VANDA: Visual Analysis and Design Automation System, Rajeev Jain, Dept. of
 Elec. Engr., Univ. of California at Los Angeles
12:00- 1:00     Lunch
1:00- 3:30      Session 3 - Exp. with Silicon Compilation - Robert Larsen
-Designing Commercial DSPs with Silicon Compilers, David Thomas, Texas
-Silicon Compilation of GaAs Read-Out Devices, R.H. Hwang, V. Martin, and
 J. Thomas, Aerojet General
-Silicon Compilation of DSP Functions, T. Yoshino, L. Liu, K. Chau, et.al.,
 VLSI Design Lab
-The Silicon Compiler as a Tool for Teaching Microelectronics Systems
 Design, Richard Brown, EECS, Univ. of Michigan
3:30- 4:00      Break
4:00- 5:30      Session 4 - Panel: Module Generation versus Standard Cell
                - Robert Owens
6:00- 8:00      Dinner
8:00- 9:30      Session 5 - Benchmarking Poster Presentations - Dwight Hill
Tuesday, May 21
7:00- 8:30      Breakfast
8:30-10:00      Session 6 - Timing Driven Layout - Margaret Marek-Sadowska
-An Efficient Network Opt. Alg. for Performance Driven Synthesis, Arvind
 Srinivasan and Earnest Kuh, EECS, Univ. of California at Berkeley
-Timing Driven Placement by Analytic Net Weighting, R-S Tsay, IBM, T.J.
 Watson, USA and Juergen Koehl, IBM, Germany
-Efficient and Accurate Annotation of ECL Designs, X-M Xiong and Chiu,
 Applied Micro Circuits
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-11:30     Session 7 - Design of Field Programmable Logic - Bryan Preas
-A CAD System for the Design of FPGA's, Dwight Hill, AT&T Bell Labs
12:00- 1:00     Lunch
1:00- 3:30      Session 8 - Physical Design Tool Synergy - Carlo Sequin
-Evaluation Driven Layout Synthesis from RT Schematics, Allen Wu and Dan
 Gajski, Info. and Computer Science Dept., Univ. of California at Irvine
-Exploring Nonsequential Tool Interation Strategies, Glenn Adams and Carlo
 Sequin, EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley
-Comparisons between Standard Cell and Custom Layout, D. Koslow, S.
 Levitin, and S. Wiggins, DEC
-Logic Synthesis Methods for Custom Layout, Nels VanderZanden, Allen Wu,
 and Dan Gajski, Info. and Computer Science Dept., Univ. of California at
3:30- 4:00      Break
4:00- 5:30      Session 9 - Panel: Is there a Future for Research on
                Physical Design ? - Carlo Sequin
6:00- 8:00      Dinner
Wednesday, May 22
7:00- 8:30      Breakfast
8:30-10:00      Session 10 - Macrocell Placement - Steve Sugiyama
-Macrocell Placement based on a Rectangular Dual Representation, M. Fujita,
 Y. Tamiya, T. Kakuda, and Y.  Matsunaga, AI Lab, Fujitsu, Japan
-Macroblock Placement using Efficient 2-D Compaction, P-S Tzeng and Carlo
 Sequin, EECS, Univ. of California at Berkeley
-Heuristic Algorithms for Simultaneous Partitioning, Floor Planning and
 Placement of Mixed Standard Cells and Macroblocks, Gershon Kedem and
 Jitendra Apte, Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University
10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-12:00     Session 11 - Layout from VHDL - Dan Gajski
-Verilog to Layout Using High-Level Synthesis, L. Arnstein, Dept. of Comp.
 Engr., CMU and T. Fuhrman, GM Research
-Architectural Synthesis via VHDL, S. Levitan, Y. Hsieh, A. Martello, Dept.
 of Elec. Engr., Univ. of Pittsburgh and B.JPangrle, Dept. of Computer
 Science, Penn State University
-Synthesis in VSS, Dan Gajski, Info. and Comp. Science Dept., Univ. of
 California at Irvine

Registration and Hotel Reservation Forms:
Send BOTH forms to: ACM/Physical Design Workshop Registation, ACM 11
West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, Attn: Rachael Robins. If paying
by credit card you may FAX the registration forms to Rachael Robins at
(212) 302-5826. Cancellations for refunds must be in writing and
received at ACM by Rachael Robins by May 8th, 1991. For more
registration information contact Rachael Robins at ACM (212) 869-7440
extension 347, or e-mail: meetings@acmvm.bitnet

|                                                                    |
|                           Registration Form                        |
|                                                                    |
|                    ACM/SIGDA THIRD PHYSICAL DESIGN                 |
|                                WORKSHOP                            |
|        Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA    |
|                             May 20-22, 1991                        |
|                                                                    |
| First Name:_______________________ Last Name:_____________________ |
| Company/Institution:______________________________________________ |
| Address:__________________________________________________________ |
| City:_____________State:_________PostalCode:_______ Country:______ |
| E-Mail:___________________ Phone:_________________ FAX:___________ |
|                                                                    |
|                                   FEES                             |
|                           Before May 1           After May 1       |
| ACM/SIGDA or IEEE Member      $350                    $400         |
| Non-Member                    $425                    $475         |
|   (check one)                                                      |
| ACM__     IEEE__      Member Number:______________________________ |
|  Guest Registration (includes all meals) #Tickets______x $190 _____|
|  Total Fees (US $ Only):_______________                            |
| (please make all checks payable to ACM/Physical Design Workshop)   |
|  Payment Form (check one)  AMEX__ Mastercard__ Visa__  Check__     |
|                                                                    |
| Credit Card#:______________________ Exp. Date:____________________ |
| Signature:________________________________________________________ |
|                                                                    |
|                      --- send this form to ACM ---                 |

|                                                                    |
|                         Hotel Reservation Form                     |
|                                                                    |
|                    ACM/SIGDA THIRD PHYSICAL DESIGN                 |
|                                WORKSHOP                            |
|        Nemacolin Woodlands, Laurel Highlands, Pennsylvania, USA    |
|                             May 20-22, 1991                        |
|                                                                    |
| Name:_____________________________________________________________ |
| Address:__________________________________________________________ |
| __________________________________________________________________ |
| __________________________________________________________________ |
| Phone:_______________________                                      |
| Arrival Date:________________                                      |
| Departure Date:______________                                      |
| Airport Arrival Time:________                                      |
| Flight Number:_______________                                      |
|        Shuttle Bus - $15 each way                                  |
| # persons for shuttle bus:___                                      |
|                                                                    |
| Type of Credit Card:          Hotel Room Choices:                  |
|  American Express___          (only a limited number of each type) |
|  Visa            ___          single room @$54/night       ___     |
|  Master Card     ___          double room @$58/night       ___     |
| Card Number:______________    2 bedrm condo @$104/night    ___     |
| Expiration Date:__________    double suite @$104/night     ___     |
| Signature:________________    double penthouse @$168/night ___     |
|                                                                    |
|                  --- send this form to ACM too ---                 |

Steven P. Levitan
Department of Electrical Engineering
348 Benedum Engineering Hall
University of Pittsburgh, 15261
(412) 648-9663 FAX: 624-1108
Internet: steve@ee.pitt.edu
BITNET: levitan@pittvms

Steven P. Levitan
Department of Electrical Engineering
348 Benedum Engineering Hall
University of Pittsburgh, 15261
(412) 648-9663 FAX: 624-1108
Internet: steve@ee.pitt.edu
BITNET: levitan@pittvms