[comp.arch] NEC V60 Microprocessor

lamaster@pioneer.arpa (Hugh LaMaster) (01/21/87)

Does anyone have information on or a source of information on
the NEC V60 microprocessor?
Also, the Fairchild Clipper is widely referred to, but there
is not much information in the literature.  
The usual things: architecture, performance.

   Hugh LaMaster, m/s 233-9,   UUCP:  {seismo,hplabs}!nike!pioneer!lamaster 
   NASA Ames Research Center   ARPA:  lamaster@ames-pioneer.arpa
   Moffett Field, CA 94035     ARPA:  lamaster%pioneer@ames.arpa
   Phone:  (415)694-6117       ARPA:  lamaster@ames.arc.nasa.gov

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