[comp.arch] RISC refer format bibliography

papowell@umn-cs.UUCP (02/28/87)

Thanks to the persons who responded, with a truly overwhelming
amount of references.  I have merged, pruned, and combined until
I think I have the list in a fairly good order.  Note that some of
the journal articles do not have a Volume or Number reference.

The %l entry is intended to be used with Randy Goebels 'refer.e'
macro package,  which I will post in another article.  This package uses
the %l field to specify the kind of article.  It is FAR superior to the
way that refer and bib do things.  I find the package invaluable for

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
#	keyrisc
# This archive created: Sat Feb 28 08:46:59 1987
export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
if test -f 'keyrisc'
	echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'keyrisc'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'keyrisc'
%T The MODHEL Microcomputer for RISCs Study
%l journal-article
%A H. Azaria
%A D. Tabak
%D 1983
%J Microprocessing and Microprogramming
%M October-November
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T RIDGE 32 Architecture \(em a RISC Variation
%l proceedings-article
%A E. Basart
%A D. Folger
%C Port Chester, New York
%D 1983
%J Proceedings Intl. Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers (ICCD 83)
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding
%M Oct

%T RISC Design Streamlines High-Power CPUs
%l journal-article
%A E. Basart
%D 1986
%J Computer Design
%M July
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T RISC: Back To The Future?
%l journal-article
%A C. Bell
%D 1986
%J Datamation
%M June
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T RISCs -- Reduced Instruction Set Computers -- Make Leap
%l journal-article
%A R. Bernhard
%D 1984
%J Systems and Software
%M December
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T More Hardware Means Less Software
%l journal-article
%A R. Bernhard
%D 1986
%J IEEE Spectrum
%M December
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Beyond RISC: High-Precision Architecture
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Birnbaum
%A W. Worley
%D 1986
%J Proceedings, Compcon Spring 1986
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Understanding Execution Behavior of Software Systems
%l journal-article
%A J. Browne
%D 1984
%J Computer
%M July
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Understanding Execution Behaviour of Software Systems
%l journal-article
%A J. C. Browne
%D 1984
%J Computer
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%N 7
%V 17

%T The RISC Factor
%l journal-article
%A C. Bruno
%A S. Brady
%D 1986
%J Datamation
%M June
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Building Blocks Yield Fast 32-Bit RISC Machines
%l journal-article
%A B. Case
%D 1985
%J Computer Design
%M July
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T u3L: An HLL-RISC Processor for Parallel Execution of FP-Language Programs
%l proceedings-article
%A M. Castran
%A R. P. Organick
%D 1982
%J Proc Ninth Annual Symp on Computer Architecture
%M April
%P 239-247

%T Register Allocation and Spilling via Graph Coloring
%l proceedings-article
%A G. Chaitin
%D 1982
%J Proc. SIGPLAN Symp. Compiler Construction
%M June
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Engineering a RISC Compiler System
%l proceedings-article
%A F. Chow
%A M. Himelstein
%A E. Killian
%A L. Weber
%D 1986
%J Proc. COMPCON Spring 1986
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Comments on 'The Case for the Reduced Instruction Set Computer'
%l journal-article
%A D. W. Clark
%A W. D. Strecker
%D 1980
%J Computer Architecture News
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%M October
%N 6
%P 34-38
%V 8

%T Fewer Instructions Speed Up VLSI
%l journal-article
%A B. Clifford
%D 1982
%J Electronics
%M November
%N 23
%P 101-102
%V 55

%T Computers, Complexity, and Controversy
%l journal-article
%A R. Colwell
%A C. Hitchcock
%A E. Jensen
%A L. Weber
%D 1985
%J Computer
%M September
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T A Perspective on the Processor Complexity Controversy
%l proceedings-article
%A R. P. Colwell
%A C. Y. Hitchcock III
%A E. D. Jensen
%C Port Chester, New York
%D 1983
%J Proceedings Intl. Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers (ICCD 83)
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding
%M Oct
%P 613-616

%T Peering through the RISC/CISC Fog: An Outline of Research
%l journal-article
%A R. P. Colwell
%A C. Y. Hitchcock III
%A E. D. Jensen
%D 1983
%J Computer Architecture News
%K archons 432 object-oriented overlapped multiple register sets
%M March
%N 1
%P 44-50
%V 11
%X attempt to determine if RISCs faster than CISCs, and why

%T Compilers for the New Generation of Hewlett-Packard Computers
%l proceedings-article
%A D. Coutant
%A C. Hammond
%A J. Kelley
%D 1986
%J Proc. COMPCON Spring 1986
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T A Broader Range of Possible Answers to the Issues Raised by RISC
%l proceedings-article
%A E. Davidson
%D 1986
%J Proc. COMPCON Spring 1986
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Operating System Support on a RISC
%l proceedings-article
%A M. DeMoney
%A J. Moore
%A J. Mashey
%D 1986
%J Proc. COMPCON Spring 1986
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Computer Architecture: Some Old Ideas that Haven't Quite Made It Yet
%l journal-article
%A P. J. Denning
%D 1981
%M September
%N 9
%P 553-554
%V 24

%T Altering Computer Architecture is a Way to Raise Throughput Suggests IBM Researchers
%l journal-article
%A Electronics
%D 1976
%J Electronics
%M December
%N 25
%P 30-31
%V 49

%T Very Long Instruction Word Architectures and the ELI 512
%l proceedings-article
%A J. A. Fisher
%D 1983
%J Int. Symp. on Computer Architecture
%K parallel data flow trace scheduling cray-1 RISC multiprocessor
%P 140

%T A RISCy Approach to VLSI
%l journal-article
%A D. T. Fitzpatrick
%A J. K. Foderaro
%A M. G. H. Katevenis
%A H. A. Landman
%A D. A. Patterson
%A J. B. Peek
%A Z. Peshkess
%A C. H. Sequin
%A R. W. Sherbourne
%A K. S. Van Dyke
%D 1981
%J VLSI Design
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%N 4th Quarter

%T Running RISCs
%l journal-article
%A J. K. Foderaro
%A K. S. Van Dyke
%A D. A. Patterson
%D 1982
%J VLSI Design
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%N September/October

%T Reduced Instruction Set Multi-Microcomputer System
%l proceedings-article
%A L. Foti
%D 1984
%J Proceedings, National Computer Conference
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Back-to-Basics Computers with Sports-Car-Speed
%l journal-article
%A S. Gannes
%D 1985
%J Fortune
%M Deptember
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Simple Systems Approach Increases Throughput
%l journal-article
%A P. Goodrich
%D 1985
%J Mini-Micro Systems
%M May
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Floating-Point Arithmetic on a Reduced-Instruction-Set
%l proceedings-article
%A T. Gross
%D 1985
%J Proc., 7th Symp. on Computer Architecture
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T A Perspective on High-Level Language Architecture (extended abstract)
%l proceedings-article
%A Thomas Gross
%A John Hennessy
%A Norman Jouppi
%A Steven Przybylski
%A Christopher Rowen
%A Anant Agarwal
%A Peter Steenskiste
%D 1984
%I Univ. of Maryland
%J International Workshop on High-Level Computer Architecture
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%M May

%T A Performance Evaluation of the Intel iAPX432
%l journal-article
%A Hansen
%A Mayo
%A Linton
%A Murphy
%A Patterson
%D 1982
%J Computer Architecture News
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M June
%X bench marks the 432 on the same test programs used to test RISC

%T Re-Evaluation of RISC 1
%l journal-article
%A J. L. Heath
%D 1984
%J Computer Architecture News
%K reduced instruction set computer benchmarks 68000 16000
%M March
%N 1
%P 3-10
%V 12
%X comparison of performance

%T Hardware/Software Tradeoffs for Increased Performance
%l manuscript
%A J. Hennessy
%A N. Jouppi
%A F. Baskett
%A T. Gross
%A J. Gill
%J Proc. Symp. on Architectural Supportfor Programming Languages and
Operating systems
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%O unknown publication

%T MIPS: A VLSI Processor Architecture
%l book-article
%d November 1981
%e G. Steele
%i Stanford University Technical Report 223
%p 1-11
%A J. Hennessy
%A N. Jouppi
%A F. Baskett
%A J. Gill
%B VLSI Systems and Computations
%D 1981
%E H. T. Kung
%E R. Sproull
%I Computer Science Press
pipelines delayed branch jump reduced instruction set computer,
%P 337-346
%X MIPS is a new single chip VLSI processor architecture.  It attempts 
to achieve high performance with the use of a simplified instruction 
set, similar to those found in microengines.  The processor is a fast 
pipelined engine without pipeline interlocks.

%T MIPS: A VLSI Processor Architecture
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Hennessy
%A et al
%D 1981
%J Proc of the CMU Conference on VLSI systems And Computations
%M October
%P 337-346

%T MIPS: A VLSI Processor Architecture
%l book-article
%e G. Steele
%A J. Hennessy
%A N. Jouppi
%A F. Baskett
%A J. Gill
%B VLSI Systems and Computations
%D 1981
%E H. T. Kung
%E R. Sproull
%I Computer Science Press
%K pipelines delayed branch jump reduced instruction set computer risc
%P 337-346

%T MIPS: A VLSI Processor Architecture
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Hennessy
%A et al
%D 1981
%J Proc of the CMU Conference on VLSI systems And Computations
%M October
%P 337-346

%T The MIPS Machine
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Hennessy
%A et al
%D 1982
%J Proceedings of COMPCON Spring 82
%M February
%P 2-7

%T MIPS: A Microprocessor Architecture
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Hennessy
%A N. Jouppi
%A S. Przybylski
%A C. Rowen
%A T. Gross
%A F. Baskett
%A J. Gill
%D 1982
%J 15th Ann. Workshop on Microprogramming
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M November
%P 17-22
%X related paper in VLSI Systems and Computations

%T The MIPS Machine
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Hennessy
%A et al
%D 1982
%J Proceedings of COMPCON Spring 82
%M February
%P 2-7

%T MIPS: A Microprocessor Architecture
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Hennessy
%A N. Jouppi
%A S. Przybylski
%A C. Rowen
%A T. Gross
%A F. Baskett
%A J. Gill
%D 1982
%J 15th Ann. Workshop on Microprogramming
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M November
%P 17-22

%T Performance Issues in VLSI Processor Design
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Hennessy
%A N. Jouppi
%A S. Przybylski
%A C. Rowen
%A T. Gross
%D 1983
%J Proc. Intl. Conf. on Computer Design (ICCD)
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding
%P 153-156

%T Postpass Code Optimization of Pipeline Constraints
%l journal-article
%A J. Hennessy
%A T. Gross
%D 1983
%J ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
%M July
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Performance Issues in VLSI Processor Design
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Hennessy
%A N. Jouppi
%A S. Przybylski
%A C. Rowen
%A T. Gross
%C Port Chester, New York
%D 1983
%J Proceedings Intl. Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers (ICCD 83)
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding
%M Oct
%P 153-156

%T VLSI Processor Architecture
%l journal-article
%A J. Hennessy
%D 1984
%J IEEE Transactions on Computers
%M December
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T SPUR: A VLSI Multiprocessor Workstation
%l technical-report
%a et al
%A M.D. Hill
%A S. J. Eggers
%A J. R. Larus
%A D. A. Hodges
%A R. H. Katz
%A J. Ousterhout
%A D. A. Patterson
%C Berkeley
%D 1985
%I Computer Science Division, University of California
%K address translation, cache, cache consistency, IEEE floating-point,
Lisp, multiprocessor, RISC, shared-bus, tagged architecture
%M December
%P 27
%R UCB/CSD 86/273
%X SPUR (Symbolic Processing Using RISCs) is a workstation for conducting
parallel processing research. SPUR conatins 6 to 12 high-performance
homogenous processors connected with a shared bus. The number of processors
is large enough to permit parallel processing experiments, but small
enough to allow packaging as a personal workstation.

%T IBM RISC Workstation Features 40-Bit Virtual Addressing
%l journal-article
%A H. Hinden
%D 1986
%J Computer Design
%M February
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Analyzing Multiple Register Sets
%l journal-article
%A C. Hitchcock
%A H. Brinkley
%D 1985
%J 12th Symp. on Computer Architecture
%M June
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T A Definition of RISC
%l proceedings-article
%A Martin E. Hopkins
%D 1984
%I Univ. of Maryland
%J International Workshop on High-Level Computer Architecture
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%M May
%P 8-11
%X Tries to definite RISCs in the IBM 801 context in comparison to the IBM 370

%T HLLDA Defies RISC: Thoughts on RISCs, CISCs, and HLLDAs
%l journal-article
%A W. Hopkins
%D 1983
%J 16th Symp. on Microprogramming
%M December
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T HLLDA Defies RISC: Thoughts on RISCs, CISCs, and HLLDAs
%l proceedings-article
%A W. C. Hopkins
%C Downingtown, Pa.
%J MICRO 16, Proc. 16th Annual Microprogramming Workshop
%M Oct
%Y 1983
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T The RISC II Micro-Architecture
%l journal-article
%A M. G. H Katevenis
%A R. W. Sherburne
%A D. A. Patterson
%A C. H. Sequin
%D 1983
%J VLSI 83
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M August

%T Reduced Instruction Set Computer Architectures for VLSI
%l dissertation
%A Manolis G. H. Katevenis
%C Berkeley, CA 94720
%D 1983
%I University of California
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture
%R UCB/CSD 83/141
%S Computer Science Division
%X This is the Ph. D. thesis written by one of the designers of the RISC I & II.
There is a nice summary of the RISC project, the rationale behind
it, and implementation details of the RISC II chip.
Subsequently published by the ACM.

%T Memory Hierarchy Aspects of a Multiprocessor RISC: Cache and Bus Analyses
%l technical-report
%A R. H. Katz
%A S. J. Eggers
%A G. A. Gibson
%A P. M. Hansen
%A M. D. Hill
%A J. M. Pendleton
%A S. A. Ritchie
%A G. S. Taylor
%A D. A. Wood
%A D. A. Patterson
%D 1985
%I Computer Science Division (EECS),
University of California, Berkeley
%K RISC Architecture,
Tightly Compled Multiprocessor, Memory Hierarchy, Cache Design
%M January
%R UCB/CSD 85/221
%Y UCB85
We describe the memory system design of a tightly-coupled multiprocessor.
processor node consists of a VLSI RISC processor,
a VLSI cache controller,
cache data RAMS,
and a standard bus.
We show that adequate performance can be
achieved only if the processor has an on-chip instruction buffer and a large

%T Are RISCs Subsets of CISCs?
%l journal-article
%A E. Korthaver
%A L. Richter
%D 1984
%J Microprocessing and Microprogramming
%M August
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T A Comparison of Microcode, Assembly Code, and High-Level Languages on the VAX-11 and RISC I
%l journal-article
%A J. R. Larus
%D 1982
%J Computer Architecture News
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M September
%N 5
%P  10-15
%V 10

%T A Small, High-speed Dataflow Processor
%l proceedings-article
%A W. Leler
%A H. J. Siegel
%A L. Siegel
%C Bellarire, MI.
%D 1983
%J Proc. 1983 Conf. on Parallel Processing
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding
%M Aug

%T An Algorithm to Compact a VLSI Symbolic Layout with Mixed Constraints
%l journal-article
%A Yuh-Zen Liao
%A C. K. Wong
%D 1983
%J IEEE Trans. on Computer Aided Design
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%M April
%N 2
%V CAD-2

%T Empirical Evaluation of Some Features of Instruction Set
Processor Architectures
%l journal-article
%A A. Lunde
%D 1972
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Instruction-Level Program and Processor Modeling
%l journal-article
%A M. MacDougall
%D 1984
%J Computer
%M July
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T RISC Chips
%l journal-article
%A J. Markoff
%D 1984
%J Byte
%M November
%N 11
%P 191-206
%V 9

%T IBM Mini a Radical Departure
%l journal-article
%A V. McLellan
%D 1979
%J Datamation
%M October
%N 11
%P 53-55
%V 25

%T Simplicity is Focus in Efforts to Increase Computer Power
%l journal-article
%A M. Miller
%D 1985
%J Wall Street Journal
%M August
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Gambling on RISC
%l journal-article
%A J. Moad
%D 1986
%J Datamation
%M June
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T New RISC Machines Appear as Hybrids with Both RISC and CISC
%l journal-article
%A N. Mokhoff
%D 1986
%J Computer Design
%M April
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T A CMOS RISC Processor with Integrated Systems Functions
%l proceedings-article
%A J. Moussoris
%D 1986
%J Proc. COMPCON Spring 1986
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T C Compiler Implementation Issues on the Clipper
%l proceedings-article
%A D. Neff
%D 1986
%J Proc. COMPCON Spring 1986
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Clipper Microprocessor Architecture Overview
%l proceedings-article
%A L. Neff
%D 1986
%J Proc. COMPCON Spring 1986
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Internal Floating-point Processor Further Boosts RISC Machine Speed
%l journal-article
%A S. Ohr
%D 1984
%J Electronics Design
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%N 18
%V 32

%T RISC Machines
%l journal-article
%A S. Ohr
%D 1985
%J Electronic Design
%M January
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Tradeoffs in the design of a system for high level language interpretation
%l proceedings-article
%A F. C. C. Osorio
%A Y. N. Patt
%D 1983
%J Proc. Intl. Conf. on Computer Design (ICCD)
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding
%M Oct

%T Assessing RISCs in High Level Language Support
%l journal-article
%A D. Patterson
%A R. Piepho
%D 1982
%J IEEE Micro
%M November
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Architecture of a VLSI Instruction Cache for a RISC
%l proceedings-article
%A D. Patterson
%D 1983
%J Proc. 10th Computer Architecture Conference
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Reduced Instruction Set Computers
%l journal-article
%A D. Patterson
%D 1985
%M January
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T The Case for the Reduced Instruction Set Computer
%l journal-article
%A D. A. Patterson
%A D. R. Ditzel
%D 1980
%J Computer Architecture News
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%M October
%N 6
%V 8

%T RISC 1: A Reduced Instruction Set VLSI Computer
%l proceedings-article
%A D. A. Patterson
%A C. H. Sequin
%D 1981
%J 8th. Ann. Symp. on Computer Architecture
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%M May
%P 443-457

%T RISC Assessment: A High-Level Language Experiment
%l proceedings-article
%A D. A. Patterson
%A R. S. Piepho
%D 1982
%J 9th Symp. on Computer Architecture
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M April
%P 3-8

%l journal-article
%A D. A. Patterson
%A C. H. Sequin
%D 1982
%J Computer
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M September
%N 9
%P 8-21
%V 15

%T RISC Assessment: A High-Level Language Experiment
%l proceedings-article
%A D. A. Patterson
%A R. S. Piepho
%D 1982
%J 9th Symp. on Computer Architecture
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M April
%P 3-8

%l journal-article
%A D. A. Patterson
%A C. H. Sequin
%D 1982
%J Computer
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M September
%N 9
%P 8-21
%V 15

%l proceedings-article
%A D. A. Patterson
%D 1982
%I IEEE Computer Society press
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M Spring
%P 8-14

%T Architecture of a VLSI Instruction Cache for a RISC
%l proceedings-article
%A D. A. Patterson
%A P. Garrison
%A M. Hill
%A D. Lioupis
%A C. Nyberg
%A T. Sippel
%A K. Van Dyke
%D 1983
%J Int. Symp. on Computer Architecture
%K fault tolerance associative memory SAMOS
remote program counter jump branch likely bit
%P 108

%T RISC Watch
%l journal-article
%A D. A. Patterson
%D 1984
%J Computer Architecture News
%K reduced instruction set computer benchmarks
%M March
%N 1
%P 11-19
%V 12

%l proceedings-article
%A David A. Patterson
%D 1982
%I IEEE Computer Society press
%J Digest of papers, Spring COMPCON 82
%K risc reduced instruction set computer architecture restricted
%M Spring
%P 8-14

%T The 801 Minicomputer
%l proceedings-article
%A G. Radin
%D 1982
%J Proceedings from the Symposium on Architectural Support for
Programming Languages and Operating Systems
%M March
%P 39-47
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T The 801 Minicomputer
%l journal-article
%A G. Radin
%D 1983
%J IBM J. Res. Dev.
%K RISC computer architecture IBM 801 cache
%N 3
%P 237
%V 27

%T Applying RISC Theory to a Large Computer
%l journal-article
%A R. Ragan-Kelley
%A R. Clark
%D 1983
%J Computer Design
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding
%M November
%N 13
%P 191-198
%V 22

%T A Reduced High-Level-Language Instruction Set
%l journal-article
%A P. U. Schultess
%D 1984
%J Micro
%K descriptor based addressing stack architecture reduced instruction set
computer risc language directed
%M June
%N 3
%P 55-67
%V 4

%T OPA - A New Architecture for Pascal-Like Languages
%l journal-article
%A P. Schulthess
%A F. Vonaesch
%D 1982
%J ACM Computer Architecture News
%K stack RISC language directed
%M Dec
%N 6
%P 9
%V 10

%T Pyramid Challenges DEC with RISC Supermini
%l journal-article
%A M. Seither
%D 1985
%J Mini-Micro Systems
%M August
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Design and Implementation of RISC I
%l book-article
%A C. H. Sequin
%A D. A. Patterson
%K computer architecture register testing
%P 276-298

%T MIPS, Dhrystones, and Other Tales
%l journal-article
%A O. Serlin
%D 1986
%J Datamation
%M June
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Local Memory In RISCs
%l proceedings-article
%A R. W. Sherburne
%A M. Katenvenis
%A D. A. Patterson
%A C. H. Sequin
%C Port Chester, New York
%D 1983
%J Proceedings Intl. Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers (ICCD 83)
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding
%M Oct

%T The RISC II Micro-architecture
%l proceedings-article
%A R. W. Sherburne
%A M. Katenvenis
%A D. A. Patterson
%A C. H. Sequin
%D 1983
%J Proc. Intl. Conf. on Computer Design (ICCD)
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding
%M Oct

%T MOVE Architecture in Digital Computers
%l journal-article
%A Daniel Tabak
%A G. J. Lipovski
%D 1980
%J IEEE Trans. on Computers
%K RISC CMOVE architecture
%M February
%N 2
%P 180-189
%V C-29

%T Strategies for Managing the Register File in RISC
%l journal-article
%A Y. Tamir
%A C. H. Sequin
%D 1983
%J IEEE Trans. on Computers
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%M Nov

%T Implications of Structured Programming for Machine Architecture
%l journal-article
%A A. Tanenbaum
%D 1978
%M March
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T VLSI Processor Architectures
%l journal-article
%A P. Treleaven
%D 1982
%J Computer
%M June
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T Architecture of SOAR: Smalltalk on a Risc
%l proceedings-article
%A D. Ungar
%A R. Blau
%A P. Foley
%A D. Samples
%A D. Patterson
%D 1984
%J 11th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
%K object oriented architectures reduced instruction set architectures
tagged object oriented architectures garbage collection
%P 188-197

%T Toward Simpler, Faster Computers
%l journal-article
%A P. Wallich
%D 1985
%J IEEE Spectrum
%M August
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T IBM RT Personal Computer Technology
%l technical-report
%A F. Waters, ed.
%D 1986
%R SA23-1057
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%T A Language-Oriented Approach for Implementing Branches: Structured
Control Flow
%l proceedings-article
%A Robert G. Wedig
%D 1984
%I Univ. of Maryland
%J International Workshop on High-Level Computer Architecture
%K risc reduced instruction set computer restricted architecture
%M May
%P 3.1-3.7

%T Keeping Jump Instructions out of the Pipeline of a RISC-Like Computer
%l journal-article
%A M. V. Wilkes
%D 1983
%J Computer Architecture News
%M Dec
%N 5
%P 5-7
%V 11
%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

%K mips risc reduced restricted instruction set computer architecture
pipelining microcoding

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#	End of shell archive
Patrick Powell, Dept. Computer Science, 136 Lind Hall, 207 Church St. SE,
University of Minnesota,  Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612)625-3543/625-4002