ram@nucsrl.UUCP (Renu Raman) (07/04/87)
Well, the response has been terrific and we are out of stock on Tshirts. Many requested the flame suit ($34.95) as they had firey topics on mind. So all readers who want to say their Nays/Yeahs be warned that you are not guaranteed to get the Tshirt/flame suit. The organizing commitee has reserved some flame suits for those readers who get flamed badly. So, don't worry. Go ahead and air your opinions - at least a flame suit is waiting for you. Coming to the specifics, I got more than 25+ responses. Now comes the second part. Whom do I contact to start the newsgroup. Is it the guys at cbosgd/gatech or ...? Anybody knowing this please let me know. D.E.Stevenson (fpst@hubcap) mentioned about existence of comp.hypercube. As Laura Weinstein responded, the intention for comp.arch.par was to discuss/fight over all sorts of parallel architectures (shared/interconnect/ systolic and functional/reduction/graph reduction/dataflow .....) & other parallel processing issues. Maybe the name comp.arch.par would suggest "restricted to parallel architectures only". If need be we can call it as comp.parallel. I guess, the majority of the readers are interested in Parallel Processing in general which includes Algorithms, architectures, OS, VLSi, benchamrks, market, manufacturers etc etc. As and when a particular sub-field starts generating sufficient traffic/interest we can have a separate newgroup. (wonder how many newgroups will exist 10 years from now). Today hypercube is the most popular interconnect based architecture and the traffic out there warrants aseaparate newsgroup. Also, I would like to inform you of the existence of comp.sys.transputer (not everywhere yet - for mailing list inclusion send mail to tranputer-request@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu). Bye and please don't swamp our mmdf mailer with more "Yeahs". Watch for comp.*par* (!!) Renu Raman ARPA:ram@eecs.NWu.Edu , ram%shukra@sun.com UUCP:ram@nucsrl.uucp , ram@sun.uucp ATT :(415)-691-6639 P.S: Please send all email to the address at Sun. P.S1:Is there any interest on bibliography for logic programming architectures? I have a reasonable collection - close 80+ and am willing to accept more references or share this with person(s) interested. Its in refer format.
ram@shukra.UUCP (07/09/87)
> D.E.Stevenson (fpst@hubcap) mentioned about existence of comp.hypercube. > As Laura Weinstein responded, the intention for comp.arch.par was to Opps! its Lauren L. Smith - I confused this with a friend's name while writing the article. Keep watching about *par* --------------------- Renu Raman ARPA:ram%shukra@sun.com Sun Microsystems UUCP:ram@sun.uucp/...!sun!shukra!ram M/S 5-40, 2500 Garcia Avenue, Mt. View, CA 94043