mfreeman@cascade.STANFORD.EDU (Martin Freeman) (08/29/87)
SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARCHITECTURAL SUPPORT FOR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND OPERATING SYSTEMS (ASPLOS-II) Palo Alto, California, October 5-8, 1987 Sponsored by ACM and Computer Society of the IEEE CONFERENCE CHAIRMEN General: Martin Freeman, Stanford University & Philips Research Labs Program: Randy Katz, U.C. Berkeley Finance: Dennis Reinhardt, DAIR Computer Systems Publicity: Jim Flournoy, Consultant PROGRAM COMMITTEE Randy Katz, U.C. Berkeley (chairman) Forest Baskett, Silicon Graphics David Ditzel, Sun Microsystems James Goodman, U. of Wisconsin John Hennessy, Stanford University Edward McCreight, Xerox PARC Steven Muchnick, Sun Microsystems Richard Sites, DEC Hudson Alan Smith, U.C. Berkeley Chuck Thacker, DEC Systems Res. Center Philip Treleaven, University College London Mario Tokoro, Keio University Monday, October 5 08:00-09:00 Tutorial Registration 09:00-12:00 Tutorial I: CACHE MEMORIES, Alan Smith, U.C. Berkeley Survey of design considerations for cache memories including recent material on cache workloads, cache miss ratios, and cache consistency algorithms. 12:00-01:00 LUNCH 01:00-04:00 Tutorial II: RISC ARCHITECTURES: PRINCIPLES & EXAMPLES, John Hennessy, Stanford University Survey of the principles behind the RISC approach using research and commercial machines to illustrate design tradeoffs. Tuesday, October 6 08:00-09:00 Conference Registration 09:00-10:00 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Niklaus Wirth, ETH "Hardware Architectures for Programming Languages, and Programming Languages for Hardware Architectures" 10:00-10:30 BREAK 10:30-12:00 SESSION I: OPERATING SYSTEMS, Chair: Forest Baskett, Silicon Graphics "VLSI Assist in Building a Multiprocessor Operating System," B. Beck, B. Kasten, S. Thakkar, Sequent Computer Systems "Architectural Support for Multilanguage Parallel Programming on Heterogeneous Systems," R. Bisiani, A. Forin, Carnegie-Mellon University "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures," R. Rashid, A. Tevanian, M. Young, D. Golub, R. Baron, D. Black, W. Bolosky, J. Chew, Carnegie-Mellon University 12:00-01:00 LUNCH 01:00-03:10 SESSION II: LANGUAGES AND INSTRUCTION SETS, Chair: Chuck Thacker, DEC Systems Research Lab "An Architecture for the Direct Execution of the FORTH Programming Language," J. Hayes, M. Fraeman, R. Williams, T. Zaremba, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab "Tags and Type Checking in LISP: Hardware and Software Approaches," P. Steenkiste, J. Hennessy, Stanford University "The Effect of Instruction Set Complexity on Program Size and Memory Performance," J. Davidson, R. Vaughn, U. of Virginia "The DRAGON Processor," R. Atkinson, E. McCreight, Xerox PARC 03:10-03:40 BREAK 03:40-05:00 SESSION III: MISCELLANEOUS ARCHITECTURAL SUPPORT, Chair: David Ditzel, Sun Microsystems "Coherency for Multiprocessor Virtual Address Caches," J. Goodman, U. of Wisconsin "Cheap Hardware Support for Software Debugging and Profiling," T. Cargill, B. Locanthi, AT&T Bell Labs "An Experimental Coprocessor for Implementing Persistent Objects on an IBM 4381," C. Georgiou, S. Palmer, P. Rosenfeld, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Wednesday, October 7 09:10-10:20 SESSION IV: COMPILERS I, Chair: John Hennessy, Stanford University "Integer Multiplication and Division on the HP Precision Architecture," D. Magenheimer, L. Peters, K. Pettis, D. Zuras, Hewlett-Packard "The Mahler Experience: Using an Intermediate Language as a Machine Description," D. Wall, M. Powell, DEC Western Research Lab "A Study of Scalar Compilation Techniques for Pipelined Supercomputers," S. Weiss, J. E. Smith, MCC 10:20-10:50 BREAK 10:50-12:00 SESSION V: COMPILERS II, Chair: Steven Muchnick, Sun Microsystems "Compiling Smalltalk-80 to a RISC," W. Bush, A. Samples, D. Ungar, P. Hilfinger, U.C. Berkeley "How Many Addressing Modes are Enough?," F. Chow, S. Correll, M. Himelstein, E. Killian, L. Weber, MIPS Computer Systems "Superoptimizer--A Look at the Smallest Program," H. Massalin, Columbia University 12:00-01:30 LUNCH 01:30-03:00 SESSION VI: FUNCTIONAL & LOGIC LANGUAGES, Chair: Randy Katz, U.C. Berkeley "Performance and Architectural Evaluation of the PSI Machine," H. Nakashima, K. Taki, K. Nakajima, ICOT "RISCS or CISCs for Prolog: A Case Study," G. Borriello, A. Cherenson, P. Danzig, M. Nelson, U.C. Berkeley "A RISC Architecture for Symbolic Computation," R.B. Kieburtz, Oregon Graduate Center 03:00-03:30 BREAK 03:30-04:40 SESSION VII: NEW MACHINES I, Chair: Jim Goodman, U. of Wisconsin "Design Tradeoffs to Support the C Programming Language in the CRISP Microprocessor," D. Ditzel, Sun Microsystems, H. McLellan, A. Berenbaum, AT&T Bell Labs "Firefly: A Multiprocessor Workstation," C. Thacker, L. Stewart, DEC Systems Research Center "Pipelining and Performance in the VAX 8800 Processor," D. Clark, DEC 08:00-10:00 PANEL SESSION: COMPILER SCHEDULED ARCHITECTURES: HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ORGANIZATIONS, Organizer: Martin Freeman, Stanford University & Philips Research Labs, Panelists: Steven Muchnick, Sun Microsystems, Mike Johnson, AMD, Joseph Fisher, Multiflow, Bob Rau, Cydrome. Thursday, October 8 08:40-10:00 SESSION VIII: NEW MACHINES II, Chair: E. M. McCreight, Xerox PARC "A VLIW Architecture for a Trace Scheduling Compiler," R. Colwell, R. Nix, J. O'Donnell, D. Papworth, P. Rodman, Multiflow Computer Inc. "Parallel Computers for Graphics Applications," A. Leventhal, M. Paquette, J. Lawson, P. Hanrahan, PIXAR, Inc. "The ZS-1 Processor," J.E. Smith, G. Dermer, B. Vanderwarn, S. Klinger, C. Rozewski, D. Fowler, K. Skidmore, J. Laudon, Astronautics Corporation of America 10:00-10:30 BREAK 10:30-12:00 PANEL SESSION: LIES, DAMNED LIES, AND BENCHMARKS, Organizer: Alan Smith, U.C. Berkeley, Panelists: Jim Gray, Tandem, Harry Nelson, Lawrence Livermore Labs, Forest Baskett, Silicon Graphics, Doug Clark, DEC Hudson, John Hennessy, Stanford University REGISTRATION Conference registration includes one copy of the proceedings, lunches, breaks, etc. Tutorial registration covers both tutorials and includes one copy of the notes for each tutorial, a lunch, and breaks. Student registration does not include meals. For further information contact Martin Freeman, (415) 725-3633, ASPLOS REGISTRATION FORM NAME:.................................................................. Affiliation:........................................................... Address:............................................................... ....................................................................... Phone No.:............................................................. ACM No.:............................................................... IEEE No.:.............................................................. (Before Sept 5) Member Non-Member Student Symposium __$185 __$235 __$ 75 Tutorial __$150 __$200 __$ 50 (After Sept 5) Member Non-Member Student Symposium __$235 __$295 __$100 Tutorial __$200 __$250 __$ 75 __Check Drawn on US Bank Payable To: ASPLOS-II 3440 Kenneth Drive Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA __Master Card __VISA Card No.:............................................................ Expiration Date:..................................................... Name on Card:........................................................ Signature:........................................................... ASPLOS-II HOTEL RESERVATION FORM Hyatt Rickey's 4219 El Camino Real Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA (415) 493-8000 TELEX 224477 Reservations must be received by September 21. __Single: $85 __Double: $97 __Master Card __VISA __Diners Club __American Express Name:....................................................................... Address:.................................................................... ............................................................................ Phone No.:.................................................................. Arrive Date/Time:........................................................... Card No.:................................................................... Expiration Date:............................................................ Name on Card:............................................................... Signature:..................................................................