mash@mips.UUCP (John Mashey) (09/13/87)
I recently acquired a copy of this document, dated 5/87, # 5954-9903. Presumably it is available from local HP offices [a colleague picked it up at a show in Australia, so I am of no further help in knowing where to get it: perhaps some HPers reading this group can help]. It is a 40-page document that has a very broad, and generally quite carefully done performance characterization of the 825S, 840S, and 850S. Here are the topics covered: Multiuser/Application [pgm development, editing, Spice, CAE/CAD, HILO] CPU performance [whetstone, linpack, dhrystone] Competitive [Aim II, BYTE, kernel micro [UCB], iocall, UNIX commands] HP-UX real-time benchmarks [interrupt response, i/o turnaround ,etc] Database [FASTTRACK] Data Acquisition [YEWCOM, disc access] Network Services Network Service Impact on Real-Time Although I have a few minor nits, it seems generally a fine document that does what it says it does, usually has enough info to let you reproduce tests (for cases where it might make sense), and has a nice mix between benchmarks that are accessible to a wide audience and those that are more complex, and probably more indicative of reality for the intended audience. -- -john mashey DISCLAIMER: <generic disclaimer, I speak for me only, etc> UUCP: {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!decwrl!mips!mash OR DDD: 408-991-0253 or 408-720-1700, x253 USPS: MIPS Computer Systems, 930 E. Arques, Sunnyvale, CA 94086