[comp.arch] future user interfaces

muir@postgres.Berkeley.EDU (David Muir Sharnoff) (10/27/88)

For one task, text editing, I think the optimal interface could be 
put together this year.

(note, this is an *editing* system, not a text entry system)

	a megapixel touch flat screen built into the desktop.
	a scannner that scans only ink of X color
	a printer than can print in X and Y colors on the same page
	a normal pen that writes in X color.
	software that can read handwriting.

Screen mode:
	the page is displayed on the flat screen and you can 
	edit it using proofreader's marks written directly 
	on the screen with an ink-less electronic pen.

Paper mode:
	the printer prints a page in Y color with, X color 
	indentification and centering marks.  You mark it up
	with your X color pen using proofreader's marks.
	Then shove it into the scanner and let it incorporate 
	what you have done.

David Muir Sharnoff.			Postgres Research Project, UC Berkeley.
muir@postgres.berkeley.edu		(415) 524-2931