[comp.arch] References to Cache and Program Models

dkirk@k.gp.cs.cmu.edu (Dave Kirk) (02/07/89)

The following is a summary of the references regarding memory
access and cache modeling.  Most responses were requests for
this post.

*****  CATEGORY 1: Papers I have actually gotten my hands on.

"Models of Cache Behavior", Dominique F. Thiebaut, Ph. D. Thesis,
University of Massachusetts, 1987.

"A Theory of Cache Behavior", D. F. Thiebaut, H. S. Stone, 
& J. L. Wolf, IBM Research Division, Yorktown, NY, Research Report
RC 13309 (#59338) 1987.

"Transient Behavior of Cache Memories", William D. Strecker, 
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, pp 281-293, Vol 1, No. 4, 
Nov, 1983

"An Analytical Cache Model", 
Agarwal, A., Horowitz, M. and Hennessy, J.
Computer Systems Lab. Rep. 86-304, Stanford University, Sept. 1986.

"Footprints in the Cache", Stone and Thiebaut, ACM Sigmetrics
on Meas and Modeling of Comp Sys, pp. 4-8, May 1986.

"Analysis of Memory Referencing Behavior For Design of Local Memories",
G.D. McNiven and E.S. Davidson, Proceedings of the 15th Int Symp on 
Computer Architecture, 1988.

"Evaluating the Performance of Software Cache Coherence", S. Owicki 
and A. Agrawal, Proc. of Arch. Support for Programming Languages 
and Operating Systems, 1989.

"Synthetic Traces for Trace-Driven Simulation of Cache Memories", 
Thiebaut and Stone, IBM T. J. Watson Research Report RC 14286 (#63748).

"An Analytical Model for Fully Associative Cache Memories",
J. P. Singh, H. S. Stone, and D. F. Thiebaut, IBM T. J. Watson Research
Report RC 14232 (#63678)

***** CATEGORY 2: Other Papers (references may or may not be good)

"Performance Analysis of Hierarchical Cache-Consistent Multiprocessors"
Vernon, M.K., Jog, R. and Sohi, G.S.
Proc. International Conference on Performance of Distributed and Parallel
Systems, Kyoto, Japan.  (Dec. 1988)
   (A slightly different version of the same appears as 
    The TREEBus Architecture and its Analyis", Computer Sciences Dept.
    T.R. # 747, University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 1988.)
{the above Tech Report reference is good, I haven't located the 
proceedings yet!}

"From the fractal dimension of the intermiss gaps to the cache-miss
    ratio", D. Thiebaut, in IBM Res. & Dev. Vol 32 (Nov 1988).   

***** CATEGORY 3: Have not been able to locate this (any help
is appreciated ... send mail to kirk@maxwell.ece.cmu.edu)
I don't know if this is a paper or a book, our library has neither.

"Best reference to my knowledge is Pohm & Agrawahl: High speed memory
systems which covers many cache organisations and models for modelling
their performance."

Hope this helps all those that requested this,

PS Still taking references at kirk@maxwell.ece.cmu.edu
