(Bill O'Farrell) (04/29/89)
Connection Machine Summer Institute The Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC) at Syracuse University will be conducting a Summer Institute on the Connection Machine. The two week program will be held on the Syracuse University campus July 10 through July 21, 1989. The Institute will be a combination of lectures, special presentations and laboratory sessions. Topics covered will include: o Programming a SIMD Computer o The Architecture of the Connection Machine o CM Special Data Parallel Peripherals o Special Features of CM Programming Languages CM/Fortran C* *LISP o Algorithm Analysis and Design o Current Research Lectures will be given by Syracuse University faculty and NPAC Research Support staff. Special presentations will be scheduled throughout the program giving participants an overview of current research being performed on the CM. Ample laboratory time will be scheduled to allow participants to work on problems presented in the lectures and to work on their own research. Participants in the Institute will be asked to bring a program that they are using in their research. Throughout the Institute, participants will work to adapt and convert parts of their code to the CM. During the program, researchers will have access to NPAC facilities and support staff. NPAC operates two Connection Machines by Thinking Machines Corporation, a CM model 1 (CM-1) and a CM model 2 (CM-2). Both machines are configured with 32K processors. The CM-2 also has 1K floating point accelerator chips and a 5 gigabyte DataVault high speed storage device. The CMs are accessed locally through Symbolics workstations and both locally and remotely through a VAX 8800. Enrollment will be limited to 20 participants. There will be a fee that will cover training materials, documentation, room and board. Selected applicants will be graduate students, post-doctoral researchers or faculty members who are actively engaged in research that could greatly benefit by the use of the Connection Machine. For more information or to request an application, please contact Betty LaPlante at 315/443-1722 or send e-mail to #! rnews